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  1. #6621

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    May 2016
    Here friend, have these oppai.
    I know its not what you wanted, but may the jelly fluffines ease your sorrow even if a little bit.

    (source: /I presume its twitte/ suzumenosu81)
    Last edited by Myrdin; 11-17-2018 at 01:52 AM.

  2. #6622
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    Here friend, have these oppai.
    I know its not what you wanted, but may the jelly fluffines ease your sorrow even if a little bit.

    (source: /I presume its twitte/ suzumenosu81)
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  3. #6623

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    Poor Giant centipede, dead under PinkLadies crit before his minion.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  4. #6624

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    bought Kerria today with this period's special 960 points gacha

    im gonna need some more hard hitting 5.4ers...I think im gonna skip getting any debuffers this time. I forgot how powerful evasion is.

  5. #6625

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    Quote Originally Posted by smr View Post
    bought Kerria today with this period's special 960 points gacha

    im gonna need some more hard hitting 5.4ers...I think im gonna skip getting any debuffers this time. I forgot how powerful evasion is.
    Discounted Ticket gacha ?

  6. #6626

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kurenai View Post
    Super tired, but before I go sleep, I'll be dropping some spoilers while the game's being patched...

    Peek at your own risk

    This week's bloomies

    Ecchiveria Echeveria <3

    Ay Shaddy, I figured you'd show up this time around when I posted that fanart. Where have you been, man?
    I don't know if I'm the only one who feels like this, but I really don't like the flower knight designs where the character is dressed slovenly.
    Liverwort's outfit would look way better if she wasn't flashing in my opinion.
    With each evolution however she's actually doing it more and more...
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #6627

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    Sweltering Heat Maze is here, wooo! It's time to kick some more Nidhogg ass...... if only my crappy connection would un-crap itself.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    Discounted Ticket gacha ?
    Likely meant exchanging for her using the Rainbow Medal bonuses from this special "quintet" gacha promo.

    We had one back in late June when it used to cost 1,000 points/draw. I remember charging for 2 draws myself for some quick medals.

    The mechanics are pretty much the same as last time if I'm not mistaken. With each draw, 5 characters appear, 1 of them a guaranteed 5 (96.5%) or 6 (3.5%), plus 50 medals, so drawing 6 times should give enough medals for a 6 pick. Maximum of 8 draws.

    It's a bit cheaper this time around (960/draw), but otherwise, the 200-rainbow medal pack for 3,000 is superior.

    Quote Originally Posted by Volarmis View Post
    I don't know if I'm the only one who feels like this, but I really don't like the flower knight designs where the character is dressed slovenly.
    Liverwort's outfit would look way better if she wasn't flashing in my opinion.
    With each evolution however she's actually doing it more and more...
    Same. That flashing just came out of left field, really. I would probably stick to her evolved form if I had her.
    Follow Raine on Twitter: @Raineverse
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  8. #6628

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    Agree on the unnecessary panty shot.
    Who ever designed that thought "hue hue hue some fan service good good squeek", but considering her overall esthetics and both pre bloom forms, its absolutely unfitting. And it looks dumm to boot as it doesn't even qualify as a bathrobe wear with all those frills and nick nacks.

    I vaguely remember the 3K 200 RC gacha, but I cant recollect whether I went for it or not. I have a feeling I did, but since I did not use those coins yet thus mentally attaching that gacha with a specific girl being exchanged, that might be the cause for my vague memory of it.

  9. #6629

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    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-nidhoggasskicked-55647e2.jpg
    Nidhogg's ass: kicked. Ume+Sakura are harder.
    Okay maybe I cheated a bit by using promoted PinkLadies andpromoted Camelia. They are slightly a bit too strong.

    New promoted girls are. Yes. They just are.
    Night Phlox, Balloon Vine and Gaillardia. All of them are just meh. Nothing really interesting or exciting.

    Balloon Vine is trash (sorry Ballon Vine, I stilllike your bunny version) with ATK based on speed without speed boost. Skill Rate, Skill damages andATK buff are not that bad but there is SO MUCH better 6* with this kind of stuff...

    Night Phlox is a classic Evade girl with meh abilities (because Evade is too stong, I guess...) and a random Solar Blast bosst with no other Solar Blast stuff. She could be nice if Evade was still a broken team archetype.

    Gaillardia is the less bad girl. Classic Super Counter+DEF buff with some offensive abilities with great AtK buff against bosses. Damage buff would be better but why not. Not awesome, not a must have but not bad compared to the recent 6* (I mean regular 6*, not PinkLadies and the Aibika Saffron clone)

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  10. #6630

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    I have always been wondering how better a party of 5 Solar Drive rainbows would fare in battle if one of them can aggro attacks to themselves, averting an annihilation on the next turn when an Aqua Shadow EX-Destruction boss, for example, somehow lives after the maximum Solar Drive nuke (pretty much their only purpose) and wipes all of them out.

    Night Phlox's promotion could hold the answer to that... could be a game-changer, even. She gains upgrades to Solar Drive up and evasion while gaining solid attack buffs for herself (40%) as well as the usual x1.2. She's the only Solar Drive unit capable of evasion (for aggro role), so far. When paired with after-solar attack boosters (e.g. Dogwood, Scotch Broom), her life drain should go up and she won't fold that easily. The only catch to all this though is... Phlox went from being one of the highest-stat golds, to sub-par (when compared to other promoted units) after promotion. Side note: Most Solar Drive rainbows are known for high stats, which usually work to their advantage given that part of the Solar Drive damage is influenced by the parties' aggregate overall force (stats, basically). Anyway, she actually has an intriguingly amazing package, whether it be her abilities...... or her tiddies ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).

    OG Balloon Vine's promotion is...... meh (for the lack of a better word). She got the speed-based attack buff and it helps that her base speed is the fastest (750) among all, though speed buff would have helped party-wise. Skill damage buff is below standard (<15%). Although at least to me, this doesn't seem to be as bad as that of OG Blushing Bride / Seruria — I still find it weird that she got Solar Drive Up instead of something else.

    Gaillardia's appears to be solid. 30% ATK up, 48% DEF up, guts, x4.25 counter, high attack buff on boss fights. Somehow, her general abilities approximates that of my waifu, but with focus on defense rather than skill buffs.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    I vaguely remember the 3K 200 RC gacha, but I cant recollect whether I went for it or not. I have a feeling I did, but since I did not use those coins yet thus mentally attaching that gacha with a specific girl being exchanged, that might be the cause for my vague memory of it.
    Ah, that one was last month. Weren't you going for OG Shiro (or was it Walnut) with those medals? I also went for that, btw. It's the best possible deal in my book.
    Follow Raine on Twitter: @Raineverse
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