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  1. #7081

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    I bought 3 steps from the 960 DMM point gacha and decided to get Flowering Peach.

    I also got Snapdragon (Valentine) from one of the steps all hail Huei Nazuki

    also got Alstroemeria "Rainbow" recently. At least she buffs up the whaleship a little.
    Last edited by smr; 02-02-2019 at 04:07 AM.

  2. #7082
    Nice to see we can lvl to 100 now. Make things interesting for sure.

    Now considering getting rarity up for either Rainbow Rose (Crit Team) or PinkLadies (Maybe w/ debuff with a bit o' skill act.). I'm aware probably should post this in "Tactica", but I'll do it here...

    I have some girls for crit already - Acacia, Dusty (Christmas), Wolf Berry, Streptocarpus. Should I add Rainbow Rose to this team?

    Or should I get PinkLady, throw her w/ my Kerria, add some debuff and skill act and go that route? For this, I have Lycoris Miko, and enough 5 stars for max debuff, and a mix of other girls (Yandere-chan Bride, Ionocidium, E. Cactus, Burning Bush Safforn).

    I'm kinda stuck, and have only enough 1 rarity up, any and all comments/advice would be helpful, thanks!

    EDIT: My crit team dies quite fast, and I witnessed again the "Kerria" 1-man show. Crit team did about 1.5M damage (w/o R. Rose), and current Kerria debuff did 3M+. And since PinkLadies is a lot like Kerria, I'm kinda leaning toward PinkLadies, but still would like to hear any opinions on this.
    Last edited by Ghostmon; 02-02-2019 at 10:05 PM.

    DMM ID: 838832909

  3. #7083

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostmon View Post
    Nice to see we can lvl to 100 now. Make things interesting for sure.

    Now considering getting rarity up for either Rainbow Rose (Crit Team) or PinkLadies (Maybe w/ debuff with a bit o' skill act.). I'm aware probably should post this in "Tactica", but I'll do it here...

    I have some girls for crit already - Acacia, Dusty (Christmas), Wolf Berry, Streptocarpus. Should I add Rainbow Rose to this team?

    Or should I get PinkLady, throw her w/ my Kerria, add some debuff and skill act and go that route? For this, I have Lycoris Miko, and enough 5 stars for max debuff, and a mix of other girls (Yandere-chan Bride, Ionocidium, E. Cactus, Burning Bush Safforn).

    I'm kinda stuck, and have only enough 1 rarity up, any and all comments/advice would be helpful, thanks!

    EDIT: My crit team dies quite fast, and I witnessed again the "Kerria" 1-man show. Crit team did about 1.5M damage (w/o R. Rose), and current Kerria debuff did 3M+. And since PinkLadies is a lot like Kerria, I'm kinda leaning toward PinkLadies, but still would like to hear any opinions on this.
    I'd assume you still have the same rainbows more or less as the one posted before in Tactica.

    Even if your proposed crit setup isn't optimal (well, we all have to start somewhere...), having a 6 Rainbow Rose at your disposal can be a godsend, especially if you haven't bothered with Aqua Shadow EX-Destruction (not regular EX) or the equally difficult Nidhogg core stage (both 680k). Not all enemies will succumb to debuffs. For one, Nidhogg's superboss Protector steadily increases its attack, rendering debuff pointless. This is where crit+react nukers (supported with sufficient crit and skill activation buffs) shine, which Rainbow Rose is very much capable of. I've been able to achieve single-party clears on some of the aforementioned stages (I've had them recorded, will post them soon when I'm not busy).

    As I also have Kerria myself, I'm personally not a fan of having redundancies which led to my decision not to promote quasi-Kerria units such as Water Lily (also applicable to that particular Pinkladies). Moreover, my debuff lineup is barely seeing action outside raid boss battles nowadays, and while it has no problem killing a Level 248 raid boss at full health (13.4M), I don't really have much more to gain from it... other than being at the top of the damage list, maybe.

    I'll have to say Rainbow Rose is the superior choice in more situations. No disrespect to PL though.
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  4. #7084

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    I don't have Rainbow Rose but I have promoted Pinkladies and Kerria. And I'm abble to clear the entire game.
    I use them in that team:

    It's a simple Evade team but it allow me to clear all the hardest maps (espacially Aqua Shadow EX-Destruction) with ease (I died only once on 26 runs on Pumpkin&Lantana EX-Destruction, due to bad luck on the whole mission).

    Maid Cowslip is the key stone here. She gives an awesome +45% damages after 3 turns for all and a good +50% ATK after 2 turns. Just enough to cover Kerria's and Pinkladies' needs of power.
    With Evade+Negate damages, it's almost impossible to die before turn 3.

    Saffron add DEF buff and above all, bring Provocation to protect Kerria and Pinkladies a bit more. And she bring Magic Weakness for herself and 2 non magic girls... who are Kerria and Pinkladies.

    Colchicum just gives more offensive buffs and a bit Crit. Or you can use Tritonia instead and get a pseudo second Maid Cowslip.

    With that team, Kerria and Pinkladies can reach something like over 400k weakXcrit damages on Slice and Magic pests. And they are very hard to kill unless you're facing ridiculous pests with ridiculous ATK buff (like a certain Punkbee on certain harderthanhardest maps) or RNJesus decide to fuck you.

    I don't have Rainbow Rose so, I can't really compare but that team is more than reliable (even if it will take some turns to become fully efficient). I think Rainbow Rose is a bit more random and can die without doing anything.

    I think on Paper Rainbow Rose is a bit better but if you look at promotion cost and efficiency, both are a great choice.
    (anyway, Rainbow Rose is the next on my promotion list and I think both of them are needed, at least for me and what I have).

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  5. #7085
    Thanks guys for your input. It was funny reading it, after Kurenai, I was like yeah maybe R. Rose, then after Maotd, I was then like hmmm...maybe PL after all. Nice to see it from different angles tho.

    One thing I did note with my quasi-crit against Kerria team setups, the crit teams definitely dish out a LOT more damage in shorter amt. of time, but skill act. plays a big role in it. If skill doesn't activate, they're left kind of defenseless, esp. on super boss battles, damn they hit hard. Kerria-like setup I find damage is more consistent, but takes longer, and everyone else eventually dies and it's always a 1-man "Kerria show" at the end.

    One of my goals this time around, when Nidhogg comes around again, is to actually beat all EX stages too. I've seen them videos, crazy crit teams doing 1-term K.O.'s on impossible bosses so it's nice to fantasize maybe one day I can do that too lol. Either way, both you you make good arguments, I'll definitely think this one over.

    EDIT: What would be good unit considerations for crit team then? Or what elements should I look for? i.e. skill act. probably? etc.?
    Last edited by Ghostmon; 02-03-2019 at 10:53 AM.

    DMM ID: 838832909

  6. #7086

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    I raped last Nidhogg with Kerria+Pinkladies+Maid Cowslip.

    For a Crit team, I recommend Pigmy Lily. WeakXCrit is the most broken thing in the game. Crit deals x1.5 damages, weak deals x1.5 damages and WeakXCrit deals x2.25 damages. Without any buff.
    With buff, I guess you can just do that calc: (1.5 + (all crit buff) / 100 ) * 1.5.
    First 1.5 is base crit damage.
    (all crit buff) / 100 is the girls crit damage buff in %, divided by 100 to get a decimal value.
    Second 1.5 is weakness damages.

    In another words, weakness increase your Crit damages by 50%. So, it's like +one half of your whole Crit buff.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  7. #7087
    Maotd: I wanna rape that last boss lol. Hope I can next time event comes around again. I got PinkLady tho, for the time being, I'll just lvl her up.

    I just got PinkLady, so dam good. Her skin below tho:

    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-moko-enotera.jpg
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-moko-enotera2.jpg

    Hot dam. But with respect to 1st pic, can someone translate please? Is it only time limited skin or can I use it forever?

    Oh yeah, how do you guys attach big sized pictures? I keep attaching small ones, and you guys have to click on it...
    Last edited by Ghostmon; 02-03-2019 at 01:32 PM.

    DMM ID: 838832909

  8. #7088

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    It's her special skin for being a winner of the previous popularity contest. It's an unlimited skin like Loli Cattleya or School Girl Cyclamen.

    As far as I know, you can't attach big picture. But when you insert a picture, you can uncheck the "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" thing on the "From URL" tab. Or you can just past the picture's url in a [img][/img].

    Anyway, Pinkladies is a nice choice. Having to survivor gilrs instead of one is always good. You know, just in case. A tragic death can occur at any time.
    Last edited by maotd; 02-03-2019 at 01:55 PM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #7089
    Ok I see thanks for that, maybe I'll try it next time. I got PL from 4 yr anni. ticket, I haven't actually rarity'd her up yet. But there's a good chance I will. Need to see how I can compose my team. Those rainbow stones are so hard to get, ugh.

    DMM ID: 838832909

  10. #7090

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    Dec 2017
    I hope they give us a way to get Rainbow Rose as I started after the reprint event. I will have enough crystals to RG something after next gacha, but will wait a while to see if I can get her soon.

    The birthday discounts and missions have enabled me to get the 64 girls bloomed so I can finally run whale (crapped out at 23)

    Picked up Walnut and finally will have one complete team when I get her amped up

    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-team-feb.png

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