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  1. #7151

    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by Kurenai View Post

    Pretty sure he's making a thread. I messaged my waifu's card in advance.
    Ah I see. I got my cards screenshotted and ready.
    DMM Flower Knight Girl | Name: Myers | ID: 152744586 [133/145]

    Waifu Helper Team:

  2. #7152

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Woah, somebody's raring to go.
    I sure do plan to translate the cards, as I've already mentioned before.

    The thread is up and you can see it here.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  3. #7153
    Hmm, darn it, below is my team, still couldn't kill pest bosses for that super amuple map 690k
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-currteam.jpg

    I swear for the last stage of boss, you HAVE to 1 shot (or 2 at slowest) the damn pest, or it just K.O.s your girls w/ that (100% proc.?) special. If you see something that I don't to make my current set-up better, please have at it. And I have like enough RCs for 1 more girl, not sure if there's anyone else I should set my eyes on getting. I'm so close...yet so far lol

    DMM ID: 838832909

  4. #7154

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    If you dont already have more than a full whaleship's worth of rainbows you're stuck with whatever rainbows you have to form whatever best strategy there is

    If you dont have at least 2 evasion you're pretty much boned

  5. #7155

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    You can use Wolf Berry in your Kerria+Saffron+Pinladies team to get Negate damages and survive a bit more. And maybe Easter Cactus to revive once if someone die.
    Then, I guess you should try to move girls from a team to another until you found the best configuration. And try to send your team to death in a different order.
    Another advice, forgot about Counter this time. Counter team don't survive more than 2 or 3 turns, even with Saffron and Easter Cactus. Espacially against thoses Butterflies.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  6. #7156
    Smr - a full whaleship worth of rainbows...LOL! I only wish. Me getting boned is pretty accurate tho haha...

    Maotd: Thanks, I will try that. And yeah, if nothing works, I will just have to keep switching, the good ol' trial and error. Could be that my current set-up just isn't good enough. And you're right, counter teams doesn't really dent them. Hence why I moved my Safforn. But with about a week left for this challenge, I wanna give it a fair shot before giving up.

    I'm just glad they are putting more challenging lvls like these out more now, grinding low lvl maps for equips/events and whatever gets really tedious pretty fast.

    DMM ID: 838832909

  7. #7157

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    From what I see in your team, I guess you can try, in reaching boss order:

    1: Royal Water Lily/Red Spider Lily/Ionocidium/Easter Cactus/Pink miko
    2: Oncidium/Apple/Cymbidium/Streptocarpus/another 5* than Mountain Lily
    3: Accacia/Dusty/Kugaisou/Colchicum/RRose
    4: Burning Bush/Saffron/Wolf Berry/Kerria/Pinkladies

    For the another 5*, you can use your best 5* with as many slot and skill and ampule possible. Or, if you have her, Straw Flower. She is not good ber Solar Blast may help you to scrap some tiny damages. Money Tree is a good choice too. If you have not (and i hope it's the case) fuse your dupe Valentine Oncidium, use both of them in different teams.
    If you have Camelia and enough Rainbow Shards, you can promote her. She is a Saffron-like and two Saffron in the same team is always good.

    Then, just try and try and try until you can do it. If you can't even reach the third step, try to make some change on the order or on the girls, based on their ablities.

    If you have some ampule, throw them on Kerria/Pinkladies/Saffron/RRose/any other good girl.
    Equip them with as many evolved personal equipement as possible.
    Equip them with as many Whaleship equipement as possible.
    Obviously, all your girls may be max 2nd affection. If you don't have enough 2nd affection gifts, you can farm them on the Swordfish support Whaleship maps. 70 stamina one give 2 gifts, 100 stamina one give 3 gifts.

    For first 3 teams, give Weakness Damage Up to everyone (Evade girls may have Provocation instead).
    For team 4, give Provocation to Saffron, Burning Bush and Wolf Berry (you don't care if the last two die, they are not Damage dealer). Give Healing Boost to Kerria and Saffron.

    And... good luck. If I as able to do it with less Rainbows, I'm sure you can kill that punk too!
    Last edited by maotd; 02-09-2019 at 01:29 AM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  8. #7158

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    About the battle itself.

    1st step butterflies are the most dangerous thing here. You want to see them dead as fast as possible. All of them attack twice and get Crit buff and can kill a team of rainbow in one turn. That's why I put Evade girls + Revive in the first team.

    2nd step is a bit easier. The main threat here is the Piece weak Scorpion. It's the only one with Crit buff. If I remember correctly, it attack only one girl and kill her with one attack. Here is kill in one turn or... kill in one turn. Once this one is dead, it's slightly easier. That's why team 3 has so many Crit with RRose and Accacia. RRose should be able to kill one of them in two hit (or one turn if she attack twice).

    3rd step. Someone said CritPunk is less dangerous once the Ant and the Slug are dead. I didn't notice it but actually, the fight is easier when thoses little ones are dead. Even if the boss is still deadly, you will not see Kerria or Pinkladies hit land on the small pests.
    In the best case, team 3 will survive the Scorpion and will be able to deal little damages on the last boss and maybe kill the small pests. In my succesful run, RRose killed the slug and it saved me. On the first turn, Kerria and Pinkladies killed the Ant and I fought only the Punkbee.
    About the Punkbee itself, Crit attacks (and aove all, Crit skills) are the more dangerous things. It's regular attack with no Crit deals not that much damages on Kerria or Pinkladies. Saffron will die or Guts with only one Crit.

    If you fight Scorpions with your 4th team, it's almost dead for you. if you fight Butterflies with your 4th team, just give up that run.

    Then, good luck again. Try and try and try and pray to activate the secret power of Friendship and Love. You may be able to win with that

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #7159
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    If you have not (and i hope it's the case) fuse your dupe Valentine Oncidium, use both of them in different teams.
    ^Wish I woulda did that. Whoops too late, already used her as material LOL. Not gonna lie, kind of regret it now, but I'll just be grateful for what I have right now.

    And holy, wasn't expecting you to write a book on it, thanks a million! I'll do my best to adjust around my current team members like you said, and I'll play around with the team structures as well. And yeah, still about a week left, so plenty of time to fail over and over again xD

    Oh, so this boss compared to the Nidhogg super EX boss, which one would you guys say is harder?

    DMM ID: 838832909

  10. #7160

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    The Punkbees. Nidhogg is hard but it can't one hit KO the bests girls in the game. Punkbees can.

    You're welcome. I like to speak about strategy and teambuilding. Espacially if it can help someone on hard maps.

    That's sd for Onci. I ave the same feeling for my dupe Maid Cowslip...

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

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