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  1. #7251

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by ceekay View Post
    O.o ....
    but why??
    *Narrows eyes and slowly chews on a straw of hey*

    "Seems to me like someone `ere does unappreciate of the cute mofufuness (yes, thats a word... dont question it ) of our beloved little Nae chan >:3 Govenah"

    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    You got her by raising a Nae from Nae event. And because she is one of the moffuest things in the game. You must have a Nae as assistant.

    "Thats the spirit my friend ! You get a Nae chan, you get a Nae chan ! Everybody gets a mofu Nae chan ! :3 :3 :3"

    *starts giving out adorable cute Nae chans to everyone in vicinity*

    "Ceekay, you too ! Take a Nae chan ! Make your time in FKG more fluffy and mofu :3"

    *Hands out another Nae chan, from a bag with a seemingly endless supply of cute little faeries.*
    Last edited by Myrdin; 02-19-2019 at 12:58 PM.

  2. #7252

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    Speaking of Nae-chan, who is/are (if you're old enough) your Nae-chan assistant?
    I got the cutest Red Nae first last time and Purple Nae-chan from last event. My alt got Yellow Nae. Cuter than expected actually.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. #7253

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    hw long was I out LOL

    she must be da tinyest Flower Knight Gurl ever

    unless Im wrong

    u know lil gurls are gud 4


    Danchou sama yo rod is ripping me apart

    Nutaku: July 2016 | Flower Knight Girl: 835228859 | DMM: 646263953 飢えたハンター

    Plays Flower Knight Girl, Aigis, Kamihime
    Dropped Harem Heroes. Staff deleted my nice reason for not spending $.

    Signature made by Myrdin

  4. #7254
    Quote Originally Posted by HungryHunter View Post
    hw long was I out LOL

    she must be da tinyest Flower Knight Gurl ever

    unless Im wrong

    u know lil gurls are gud 4


    Danchou sama yo rod is ripping me apart

    You know, its well known that I'm not the biggest fan of lolis. But I turn a blind eye and let the others enjoy their thing. Because in the end it is not real. But this... this is pushing the limit! I'm not one for restricting creative freedom, but that does not mean one can't do something that can be looked at in poor taste by many. An example of this would be that artist years ago that painted a great portrait... only to splatter it with human feces. Really?

    While this may not be a 1-to-1 comparable scenario, come on FKG this is in poor taste! This is an ADULT game that features SEX with every available girl. Many have already pushed that limit, but this girl doesn't have any aspects of a loli like having an adult mind in a small body, unnatural developed boobs/hips you wouldn't normally see on a child, etc. This new 6* literally looks so much like a 4 year old girl it is nauseating! This does not help Japan's case when the United Nations is literally right now trying to BAN anime everywhere because they stupidly believe this contributes to pedophilia. Nothing wrong with doting over a cute loli like this for head pats. But it's getting overly excessive when you want to stick your dick in this (Not referring to you Hunter as I know you're joking around in this post). So I am not for restricting lolis like this, but to put that kind of character into an adult game is in extremely poor taste and judgement. Or as another person already put it: creepy.
    Last edited by ShadwNinjaX; 02-19-2019 at 04:54 PM.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  5. #7255
    ^^ Agree with above. We all know what kind of game we're playing, but I waz like "...wow". But at end of day, I don't need her so probably won't be pulling her.

    And as always, I love the background in FKG, this time it's swan boats racing around, I like to enjoy the small stuff like that. Only annoying thing is that to look at the full view of background, you have to press "Home" like a million times to get the background to stay. And once in a blue moon a blooming dragon (or w/e they're called) pops up randomly and says hi LOL

    DMM ID: 838832909

  6. #7256

    Join Date
    Jul 2017
    Texas, USA
    Alright, I'm beating my head on the wall here. I've tried nine ways to sunday to beat this stage. I've tried slow/fast teams. I've tried brute force. I've even learned the girls I have and built a team of nothing but girls who can dodge attack and counter attack. (I literally did not ever pay attention to this before. Now I'm working on a spreadsheet of the girls I have and what skills they have so I can build teams for strategy. WHAT HAS THIS GAME DONE TO ME?? I'M SUPPOSED TO BE DRAWING AND PAINTING WHILE I GOOF OFF WITH THIS GAME IN THE BACKGROUND) How in the nine realms of He%$ do I pass this board? It's one of the unique missions. and it's the last one of this set that I have to pass and it's bugging me. ALOT. Anyone know??
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-.jpg

  7. #7257

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Unfortunately, I can't really help you here.
    As I've mentioned before these missions introduce a new level of difficulty to the game, but in the noticably wrong way.

    Having anything other than a full team of rainbows means relying on luck to pass the stage, as 5* knights are so incredibly ineffective to these pests it's not even funny.
    I'd understand it if, for example, building a full team of evade+counter girls (of any rarity) would be an answer to beating the stage, but that's clearly not the case here.

    On the other side, I believe there was a discussion about it somewhere earlier in this topic, so maybe try going back to that. I don't know if it was for this specific mission though.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #7258

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Good lord. Gentlemen, calm down.

    Just skip the H scene. Only SJWs screech autistically about stuff like this.

    After all its a game, and these are just 2D hand drawn, animated pictures. I honestly could not give a bigger F. about what how much of a Loli this or that character is (And no, this girl aint the tiniest. Look at Viola. They`re about the same.).
    Do I find such a character inapropriate in a game where there is H content for every girl ? Yes I do.
    BUT, its just that > A game > and an Anime one at that. Again, there is a non H version, where you dont bed the girls. And that pretty much shuts down any argument as it literally makes the scene optional.

    And honestly.... FUCK UN, and EU and whatever the else. They can ban whatever the hell they want. Torrents exists. Dark side of the internet esists. Them banning shit will be as efficient as the prohibition in America back in the day > As in > not at all, and it actually caused the rise of powerful gangs dealing in illegal production of alcohol.

    Just like it has been PROVEN hat sex toys, and sex dolls lower actual rape crime, so does Loli H shit, lower the cases of pedophilia.
    "Surprisingly" if you give people a healthy safe outlet for their desires (be them moral/legal or not), most of them will elect to take that, instead of going out and harming actual people, destroying lives (theirs and others) in the process. And as far as I am concerned a 2D picture of a humanoid nonhuman creature (lets be honest, with the anime proportions and eyes, these girls, while humanoid, and close to humans, would not be human lol. Damn those huge anime eyes would be actually kinda freaky ) is a pretty damn safe and moral outlet.

    I mean, I aint here to preach even if it might look like it to some. Rather I am trying to be the voice of reason. Free market is a thing. Creative freedom is a thing. Old assholes (men and women) with stick shoved up their ass so deep you cant see the sun, trying to ban and censor everyone and everything is also a thing. And finally.... limited lifespan of us humans, is the the thingiest thing of all things. Times change, and so do people. Just enjoy the ride.

    **Anyway gratz Volarmis on getting her. I tried as well, but no luck. Gacha hasnt been kind to me for a while now. Burned bunch of gems on Onci as well, amounted to nothing.
    She Reminds me of Kuko (Wolfberry), just adorable little mofu. Heh Papa protective instincst are kicking in. So much mofu even Nae chan is slightly worried To bad Lady luck has clearly gone blind from reading to much manga to late into the night, as she cant seem to deliver the gacha girls I am trying for to me.

    maotd: I am using the superior Red Nae chan of course But i have all 4 of them (who would have guessed right ? ), and for a while had them seleceted so the game cycled between them and some other few girls. But eventually I went back to the random assistant thing, as i find it kinda refreshing for different character to pop out every time you refresh the screen.
    Plus it nets to a fun little "minigame" of "Which girl likes me the most" where you will start noticing some of them pop more often than others ^^
    Last edited by Myrdin; 02-20-2019 at 12:56 AM.

  9. #7259

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by ceekay View Post
    Alright, I'm beating my head on the wall here. I've tried nine ways to sunday to beat this stage. I've tried slow/fast teams. I've tried brute force. I've even learned the girls I have and built a team of nothing but girls who can dodge attack and counter attack. (I literally did not ever pay attention to this before. Now I'm working on a spreadsheet of the girls I have and what skills they have so I can build teams for strategy. WHAT HAS THIS GAME DONE TO ME?? I'M SUPPOSED TO BE DRAWING AND PAINTING WHILE I GOOF OFF WITH THIS GAME IN THE BACKGROUND) How in the nine realms of He%$ do I pass this board? It's one of the unique missions. and it's the last one of this set that I have to pass and it's bugging me. ALOT. Anyone know??
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-.jpg
    I cleared all these and I don't have all rainbows. I think this is one with all those pest nests. You have to run a girl in the team that neutralizes them.

    This is got a link to the missions and a list of girls that can help


  10. #7260

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Ohhh, right.
    I didn't even look at the picture since I thought you meant the newest high level challenge maps.
    The ones from your picture can be completed without a full team of rainbows - my bad for misunderstanding.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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