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  1. #8561

    Join Date
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    Pity system? What's that? I didn't know anything.

    For FG memory gacha, I don't say it's a bad thing. Just, they made a special currency only for that and a while after that they make a FG based gacha with higher rates. Memory seeds looks a bit like a side feature to get Memories despite they where and should be the main way to get them. FG memory gacha is nice. Even if most memories are not that good, somes are very interesting and even more after fusing them.

    I'm just salty they broke R-medals shop, D-medals and getting dupe. Even with 2% gacha, it's too hard to get a precise girl from the gacha if she is not prioritized. And some girls may never be again.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  2. #8562

    Join Date
    Feb 2017
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    Hello everyone long time no see.
    Here is my thought about the change that happen recently.

    For me only reason Yo-game doing change in RM-shop is to make more money.
    Also the change in RM-shop just one of very last changing Yo-game will do.

    In my view everything start when they add those Rainbow fairy dragon into the game.

    Next the cutie lovely FM card.

    Follow up with the first ever limited rainbow in the game Snowdrop NY ver.

    And this RM-shop change.

    I fine with adding something special like Snowdrop NY ver. but not fine for other thing.

    Like FM card
    What about Yo-game don't add it in the first place
    but try to do another re-balance character skill.

    Or the RM-shop
    Just add new stuff and leave all the old stuff in there.

    Also along the way if you notice Yo-game keep spamming a lot of deal.
    Lots of them is daily deal or limit-time deal that if you try to buy it can easy broke you.

    Be careful everyone the darkness greed is strong in Spring Garden.

    What about me?
    I'm quit. FOR REAL.
    I already stop support them when they first release FM card system.
    Something I strongly disagree first time I saw it.
    So the change in RM-shop is just the finish blow for me.
    I'm still login but just only login that's all.

  3. #8563

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Yeah I feel you twillight

    I quit Girls Symphony after hyping myself for two years or how long it took. I dont recommend that game to anyone.... stay away from it, ignore my previous comment about it. It literally broke my joy for playing any of these waifu browser games. Heck thats why my activity here has decreased so much to what it used to be.
    Not far from dropping FKG as well, despite the money I threw at the game and the progress I have. I care about it less and less. Still keep playing for now but its more of a force of habit than anything else. To bad I never managed to get Azur Line going, and by this points its to late for me to jump in on that.

    I`d love to see a Tower defense waifu game, I remember there was something like that on Nutaku back in the day. But something newer, with better looks maybe even the 2D moving sprites. Ideally a pre-registration so I could get in on that from the get go and not miss out on bunch of events. Though its not a must.If you guys know about such a game on DMM please let me know, I`d appreciate it.

  4. #8564

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    I'm still playing GS but I'm not nearly as high on it as I was when I started playing a little over a month ago. Before long I might slot it aside Kanpani Girls as a game I don't actually play but log in to so I can fulfill part of the daily DMM quest that requires you play three different games.

    The thing with GS is that if it's not the events where getting the featured character requires a lot of luck and/or playing stages over and over then it's sudden difficulty spikes* going from one stage to the next. If it's not either of those then it's time-based medal requirements that more or less need your leading squad to be at a power level far above the suggested level.

    * One of the last sections of the game unlocked has you go through a tower that is a series of stages + a boss stage, with the HP of your characters carrying over between stages. The second tower is considered level 10/** difficulty and I'm now at the point where I can clear it without leaning too much on the healing symphony that I have. The third tower is considered level 15/*** difficulty and my six best orchestra members get wiped out before finishing half of the first stage, at which point I have zero chance of clearing the tower itself since the rest of my characters aren't nearly as strong.

    Quite a few events have similar spikes where going from one stage to the next in GS is roughly the same as going from a stage with a recommended power level of 200k to one with a level of 500k in FKG.

    Nutaku and DMM IGN: Tomitain
    Nutaku Flower Knight Girl ID: 610834201 (inactive)
    DMM FKG ID: 106750967
    DMM FKG Allies: 109/123
    DMM Girls Symphony ID: 34644951 (inactive)
    Nutaku Mist Train Girls ID: 3355988
    MTG Allies: 31/50 (Nutaku), 11/50 (DMM)

  5. #8565
    I believe Ark Knights, which was very recently released in English, is a tower defense waifu collector. It's only SFW though and mobile, if either of those matter to you. Haven't tried it myself, but I've heard it's not bad.

  6. #8566

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    NY Snowdrop is available in the gacha. She just wasn't in the R-medals shop. The true (and only?) limited girl in the game was Milim (China Pink) from the collab (and the other collab girls), available only during the collab and no more after. But who's care.
    I understand your feelings. The greed demon is here and more threatening than every pest boss. That sad you're leaving the game but I understand.

    Same for you Myrdin. That sad. A great part of moffuness is dying here.

    Anyway, even if you leave Spring Garden once for all, you will be always welcome here. Both of you.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  7. #8567

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    It's definately sad to hear.
    I've tried quite a few of the DMM games once I got a notice something new came out, but honestly nothing really caught my attention for long.
    Somehow, the world setting of FKG won me over.
    As for the ones that interested me for a bit, for example X-Overd and Otogi Frontier, I'm not really sure how they're faring or if they are still around for that matter.

    As for me, I'll continue playing FKG as those changes don't really mean much for me.
    There already were units outside my range (the promo code girls), so nothing new here.
    The FMs don't bother me much, at least we can slap the lure on a non-6* unit now.
    Were those dev decisions bad? Quite probably, yes. They have been known to rectify their decisions though, so I won't be saying those are final.

    And most of all, I won't let them diminish my enjoyment of playing this game.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  8. #8568

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Flower memories are not bad
    I've grown to like some of them and look forward to the forthcoming upgrade mats

    If you dont like them, you could just buy the bronze ones in the shop and equip whale and your team and ignore them going forward.
    I still see a lot of folks haven't even done that

  9. #8569

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    It's not even like the bronze ones are inferior. Turn 1 atk, overheal, provoke are all as good as rainbow tier memories.

    DMM ID: 542707285

  10. #8570

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    Msot memories over bronze rarity are just gimmick but somes are very good on very specific teams. Crit Act memories helpsa lot on Crit teams. The 15% React memory is very good too and saved me several times.
    I don't know how it will turn in the future but right now, memories as they are are not necessary to beat the game. I'm not a big fan of it but I take them as a little bonus I got here and there with Memory seeds more than a must have mechanics like Ampies/Centies or equipements.
    If I got a good one, I use than good one, if not, I use the regular bronze memory.
    Before that, Turn 1 ATK and Weakness DMG were the default abilities when nothing was more usefull like provoke/HP up. Now, there is just more default choices when a girl don't need a necessary ability to show her best potential.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

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