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  1. #8571

    Join Date
    Mar 2018
    I'm still going to keep playing FKG till it dies (or I do). Can't see myself ever getting bored of the game and I barely minded the Flower Memories implementation.

    The RM shop change sucked but that wouldn't deter me from playing the game. I just hope the gacha change/pity system starting next event will be good.
    DMM Flower Knight Girl | Name: Myers | ID: 152744586 [133/145]

    Waifu Helper Team:

  2. #8572
    Quote Originally Posted by Volarmis View Post
    As for the ones that interested me for a bit, for example X-Overd and Otogi Frontier, I'm not really sure how they're faring or if they are still around for that matter.
    (If you're curious, X-Overd closed a few months ago, as it seems they didn't want to port the game to HTML5. The company that developed it released Fruful not long after. Otogi is still around and even got an EN release on DMM and Nutaku, though last I heard the EN version was doing poorly.)

  3. #8573
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by unknown67 View Post
    (If you're curious, X-Overd closed a few months ago, as it seems they didn't want to port the game to HTML5. The company that developed it released Fruful not long after. Otogi is still around and even got an EN release on DMM and Nutaku, though last I heard the EN version was doing poorly.)
    Poorly? The global Otogi Frontier went from regular updates to literally nothing in mid-December. The English devs are long gone.

  4. #8574

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Umm guys, any idea what is the last thing missing to get this completed ?
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-capture.jpg

    As for GS.... It would take a longer post than this, and I already wasted enough energy on discussing it with Phob extensively so I dont really feel like reminding myself. It is what literally broke my spirit and love for that game in a way that made me drop it, and just completely ignore it ever since. Wasn't easy, you guys know how hyped I was for it. Its not like I have a thin skin, but looking forward to it for what...2 years, it felt like a huge kick in the balls, and I aint one to ask for more of that so the decision to abandon ship was (not lightly) made.

    Anyway, thanks for the recommendation Unknown, though I would prefer a browser based game rather than a mobile one. Will check it out though if nothing else

    As for FKG, I`ll stick around to see if the drastic changes get a bit better, and at least some sort of rectification is done to the Waifu shop. I still have few girls I`d like to get, so as long as there is a chance of doing it I`ll keep playing.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 02-01-2020 at 03:18 AM.

  5. #8575

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    Umm guys, any idea what is the last thing missing to get this completed ?
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-capture.jpg
    Did you vote in any of the categories outside the general one?
    Last edited by Volarmis; 02-01-2020 at 03:44 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #8576

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    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Volarmis View Post
    Did you vote for in any of the categories outside the general one?
    So thats what it was, all done now, thanks Volarmis sensei :3

  7. #8577
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Tomitain View Post
    I'm still playing GS but I'm not nearly as high on it as I was when I started playing a little over a month ago. Before long I might slot it aside Kanpani Girls as a game I don't actually play but log in to so I can fulfill part of the daily DMM quest that requires you play three different games.

    The thing with GS is that if it's not the events where getting the featured character requires a lot of luck and/or playing stages over and over then it's sudden difficulty spikes* going from one stage to the next. If it's not either of those then it's time-based medal requirements that more or less need your leading squad to be at a power level far above the suggested level.

    * One of the last sections of the game unlocked has you go through a tower that is a series of stages + a boss stage, with the HP of your characters carrying over between stages. The second tower is considered level 10/** difficulty and I'm now at the point where I can clear it without leaning too much on the healing symphony that I have. The third tower is considered level 15/*** difficulty and my six best orchestra members get wiped out before finishing half of the first stage, at which point I have zero chance of clearing the tower itself since the rest of my characters aren't nearly as strong.

    Quite a few events have similar spikes where going from one stage to the next in GS is roughly the same as going from a stage with a recommended power level of 200k to one with a level of 500k in FKG.
    The time limits for 3-starring (newer?) Dissonancia stages have been loosened some and the listed levels in towers are by no means suggestions. The level 15 thing is the minimum you're allowed to use, if there were any use for such filler. The third tower has enemy power ratings of 150k to 221k, silence/poison spam and midbosses in the first wave of every floor. It's like the third is the first endgame tower while the other two are for training.

    If you're still having trouble with event stages and the second tower, that seems like a setup issue. Are you using low skill-level/low equip-slot rainbows instead of max level golds? Not spamming the performance buff melodies nor stacking performance equipment on anyone?

  8. #8578

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    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    The level 15 thing is the minimum you're allowed to use, if there were any use for such filler. The third tower has enemy power ratings of 150k to 221k, silence/poison spam and midbosses in the first wave of every floor. It's like the third is the first endgame tower while the other two are for training.
    That makes a good bit of sense, yeah.

    If you're still having trouble with event stages and the second tower, that seems like a setup issue. Are you using low skill-level/low equip-slot rainbows instead of max level golds? Not spamming the performance buff melodies nor stacking performance equipment on anyone?
    I don't have many high/max equip slot golds and two of them have Taunt as a personal skill so they either end up as glass cannons (equipped with primarily performance gear) or they can take hits but don't have instant machine-mulching power (equipped with primarily HP and/or defense gear).

    That aside, I'm using a gold performance boosting melody and also performance-boosting equipment where I can but I'm slightly hamstrung because most of the good performance equipment I have is either *** rarity or red type. If I farm the second tower I'll eventually have enough performance-boosting equipment to distribute to my best characters though, even if most of them won't get a 1.5x bonus from being the same type as the equipment.

    Nutaku and DMM IGN: Tomitain
    Nutaku Flower Knight Girl ID: 610834201 (inactive)
    DMM FKG ID: 106750967
    DMM FKG Allies: 109/123
    DMM Girls Symphony ID: 34644951 (inactive)
    Nutaku Mist Train Girls ID: 3355988
    MTG Allies: 31/50 (Nutaku), 11/50 (DMM)

  9. I highly recommend against using taunt girls atm until they release some nice gimmicks for it. They will just melt in seconds in all of the end game contents.

    Perf stacking is the only way to go as everything else is highly unreliable. For characters that don't have personal Perf stat weapon, reserve a gold and silver dress for them as they're the best alternative out there. Since you can only equip 1 copy of each, fill the other slots with tower weapon or dress depending on your needs.

    Personally, I just run a full performance nukers+wave start harmony fill-up girls (this is true glass cannon setup) for tower 3... and everything else. Currently there's 2 gold and 1 silver perf melodies, swap them around and make sure they will last the whole 8 battles, don't forget to fit and alternate the usage of heal and regen melodies as your close range damage dealers will need them badly. Tower 2's silence resist dress can be useful, but it's still rng at the end of the day.

    Your best bet is really just saving up your gold/rainbow mdz and gems and look out for any decent 2nd evo banners, then work your way on maxing out a couple decent girls.
    If you really don't have any decent golds atm, pick some Dissonia maps you want to farm and finish a couple silver or gold girls in the mean time.
    Last edited by EpicFailLulz; 02-01-2020 at 11:39 AM.

  10. #8580

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    Quote Originally Posted by EpicFailLulz View Post
    I highly recommend against using taunt girls atm until they release some nice gimmicks for it. They will just melt in seconds in all of the end game contents.

    Perf stacking is the only way to go as everything else is highly unreliable. For characters that don't have personal Perf stat weapon, reserve a gold and silver dress for them as they're the best alternative out there. Since you can only equip 1 copy of each, fill the other slots with tower weapon or dress depending on your needs.

    Personally, I just run a full performance nukers+wave start harmony fill-up girls (this is true glass cannon setup) for tower 3... and everything else. Currently there's 2 gold and 1 silver perf melodies, swap them around and make sure they will last the whole 8 battles, don't forget to fit and alternate the usage of heal and regen melodies as your close range damage dealers will need them badly. Tower 2's silence resist dress can be useful, but it's still rng at the end of the day.

    Your best bet is really just saving up your gold/rainbow mdz and gems and look out for any decent 2nd evo banners, then work your way on maxing out a couple decent girls.
    If you really don't have any decent golds atm, pick some Dissonia maps you want to farm and finish a couple silver or gold girls in the mean time.
    Yeah, I ended up moving one of the taunt girls out of the lineup entirely and moved the other to the backlines for pretty much the reason you noted (they'd be near death while the other active girls were at or near full HP). Shame too because one of them has an ability that supplies HP regen for herself and an ally which helped keep the ally topped off.

    I've got the gold healing melody at level 5 and I think I picked up the gold regen melody a few days ago (some guy with a fancy coat and top hat, only level 2 ATM). Until I get it up to level 5 as well I've been using the gold healing melody, the gold +performance melody (level 5) and the rainbow +defense melody (level 4).

    So I guess I need to dedicate myself to daily runs of the second tower and hoping I get the +performance item instead of the coat or more coins. Might as well work towards another 52 skull coins for the next quest for that red 5* girl and pick up a third scythe of death while I'm at it.

    Nutaku and DMM IGN: Tomitain
    Nutaku Flower Knight Girl ID: 610834201 (inactive)
    DMM FKG ID: 106750967
    DMM FKG Allies: 109/123
    DMM Girls Symphony ID: 34644951 (inactive)
    Nutaku Mist Train Girls ID: 3355988
    MTG Allies: 31/50 (Nutaku), 11/50 (DMM)

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