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  1. #861
    Quote Originally Posted by Dari View Post
    Same here, my latest rolls on DMM are abysmal 0 gold from 100 gems + no golds from the tickets either..
    The only thing I got from the ~25 tickets I got since start was Christmas Chainsaw (Wax Vine (Christmas)). Everything else was 3*.

    Nutaku FKG ID: 829921779
    DMM FKG ID: 109881558

  2. #862

    Join Date
    May 2015
    Oh boy, dat rainbow Lantana.

  3. #863

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Sometimes it kind of depressed me how DMM give a lot of gems and freebies while Nutaku almost give nothing. Only thing that both version seems so stingy, is lv.100 bloom dragon.

  4. #864

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Did yolo 11 roll. Just one gold - the new Setaria. Last pulls sucked quite badly for me.

  5. #865

    Join Date
    Dec 2016
    So, I'm a "little" pissed that Nightmaher is still not getting her leaked ages ago bloomed form but on the other hand Kerria just got hers.
    And I think she really deserves it as a really cool girl, and I do have Fireweed. Not a huge fan of her, but she is a decent girl.
    So Kerria fans rejoice.

    P.S. My last three pulls rewarded me with one gold girl. And i don't even like halloween hare's tall grass much. But i think i'll farm some gems and try for Kerria, even tho 2/3 my rainbows are slice allready.

  6. #866
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Mitoru View Post
    So, I'm a "little" pissed that Nightmaher is still not getting her leaked ages ago bloomed form but on the other hand Kerria just got hers.
    And I think she really deserves it as a really cool girl, and I do have Fireweed. Not a huge fan of her, but she is a decent girl.
    So Kerria fans rejoice.
    The thing is, even if a knight's blooming is shown in advance on NicoNico, it depends on the whim of the FKG developers, so it can be anywhere between tomorrow or the next 6 months or whenever. The only thing players could do really is wait.

    Kerria is actually on the 7th official stream like 2 weeks ago, and being popular among the Japanese (think she was top 20 among the 300+ girls on the poll event) might have been a factor for her blooming implementation.

    P.S. by the way, i consider it a "leak" because it's from the FKG official livestream with an actual devs/rep from YourGames JP (the company behind Flower Knight Girl and Girl's Symphony) in it... Arai-san, one of the FKG execs, is sometimes present for Q&A like in the 6th stream.

  7. #867

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Finally Kerria bloom is mine. It's about time.
    IGN: Rupturez
    ID: 618437322

    DMM Server.

  8. #868
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Rupturez View Post
    Finally Kerria bloom is mine. It's about time.
    And there's already screenshots of her critting a raid boss for over one million damage.

  9. #869

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    I've got a question about blooming - are dupes of the knight somehow needed in the blooming process?
    I remember reading that someone was keeping dupes of higher rarity knights for some reason connected to either blooming or the second affection level (or something else that's not in the Nutaku version right now).
    I've read the DMM english wiki on blooming and it only mentioned Birds, Petals and Elixirs as required components. Is anything else needed?
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #870
    Unregistered Guest
    Duplicates are not needed for blooming or second affection. You only need two birds of the matching type, two petals of the matching nation and an elixir of the matching rarity, plus a hefty pile of gold.

    They are, however, a good way to get bond crystals, as you get 1000/12000 for each gold/rainbow that you fuse or sell. Bond crystals are used to buy second affection items and danchou medals, which in turn can be used to buy tickets with 92.5% gold/7.5% rainbow rates.

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