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  1. #901
    Well, three 50 pulls into my DMM game, I've pulled 1 gold. Quite the difference from Nutaku.
    My 5* ticket turned into Iris. Not exactly my first pick on a team but beggars can't be choosers.
    Guess her, Pomegranate and Firethorn will have to do for now.

    DMM ID: 826334200
    IGN: ILoveCorgis
    Currently: Still looking for DMM allies.

  2. #902
    Unregistered Guest
    It's all RNG bud

  3. #903
    Well aware of that. I'm just making the statement that my RNG is consistently poop on DMM so far. lol

    Have to say though, despite a rough couple of pulls to start off with, DMM shoves so many manyu down my throat it's not even affecting my growth. It's nice to not need to ever farm for them.

    DMM ID: 826334200
    IGN: ILoveCorgis
    Currently: Still looking for DMM allies.

  4. #904
    Unregistered Guest
    3 crap 50 pulls isn't much if we're going by DMM standards... someone on discord did like 11 10+1 pulls (550 FG) for Acacia on DMM and only got about 4 golds iirc and no Acacia, now that's actual consistent poop.

  5. #905
    Yeah, but DMC's luck is shit.
    Granted luck is a fluid and arbitrary concept, but it was just me making notice of a few bad pulls at the start of the game.
    On Nutaku I was blessed with good roles from the get go and this has been a new experience for me partly because of the rolls. I would have never used Dandelion seriously if it hadn't been for the rolls I got, and I've gotta say- She's grown on me. Same with Cornflower and a few other bronzes I never paid mind to back in Nutaku. Like I said, it's refreshing.

    Though, I'm a bit curious if I should be paying any attention to the high tier seeds. The equipment they give seems to be pretty lackluster. Definitely not gear worth the exchange rate from mid - high and not really worth using over mid grade rings, even. Among the other things I've been discovering this seemed like an oddity.

    DMM ID: 826334200
    IGN: ILoveCorgis
    Currently: Still looking for DMM allies.

  6. #906

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    High tier equipment get better once you max them out. Although I usually save equip manyu (don't know real name) for event equip mostly, or personal earrings from CQ.

    And don't worry, my luck in DMM is pretty much real messed up. 4 10+1 rolls for 1 gold is pretty much new personal record.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  7. #907
    It's good to hear that the new equips aren't a letdown in the long run.
    I got a new silver Pierce girl in my last pull I don't recognise from Nutaku, was pretty excited about her. Still haven't wikid who she is though, but she's a welcome addition to add with Iris and Firethorn as my current pierce lineup.

    DMM ID: 826334200
    IGN: ILoveCorgis
    Currently: Still looking for DMM allies.

  8. #908

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Bloodsport - welcome to the "real world" where one doesnt get multple gold/rainbow filled rolls straight from the get go. Makes you actually use the low tier girl for a time.
    Thoug in DMM its super easy to get the Event girls, so those will fill your ranks rather quickly.
    As for the pulls - it is what it is, my first 4 rolls were horrid shit. Then bam 3 new gold and 1 rainbow. Since then its been mostly shit again
    But with the amount of Flower Gems, where I can pull once/twice a month it doesnt really bother me as much.

    As for the equipment - the High tier grade rolsl have only one purpose - to get a special item that gives the girl who equips it some weak boost in the form of an ability rather than just the usual stats. I have two of those so far, but ultimately its not worth to roll for it.
    It seems to me like the High tier equipment has diminishing returns when turned into Bonding Crystals, which in turn exchange for Danchou coins.
    I´ll just keep spamming the mid tier equipment gacha to get as much Bonding crystals out of it as possible. Currently sitting at 51 Danchou coins and would like to get the 60D ticket before the shop resets.

  9. #909
    Quote Originally Posted by Mindrunner View Post
    Japanese Rowan. According to flink, she should arrive on Nutaku during Event 32.
    Thanks Mindrunner! It's great to be able to give a name to the face.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    Bloodsport - welcome to the "real world" where one doesnt get multple gold/rainbow filled rolls straight from the get go. Makes you actually use the low tier girl for a time.
    Thoug in DMM its super easy to get the Event girls, so those will fill your ranks rather quickly.
    XD I appreciate the welcome Wyrdin, it's a brave new world for me to explore. I was actually thinking about that part about event girls last night though. I might spend my next 3-4 rolls worth of gems on expanding inventory space before actually making another roll/max it out completely. DMM gives a lot more seeds than Nutaku and with bond crystals being there/the massive amounts of Perma-Events to work on that I have, I don't think 100 bad rolls could stop me from getting a full 5* team within 2 months and at least get something out of the endless wave of 3*/4*s I'd find doing so. I recently upgraded my Nutaku storage from 200 to 350 and it's been great, so I think with the 200 extra material slots it would be heaven in terms of QoL to have that many slots.

    Appreciate the info on High Level Seeds/Gear, it was pretty confusing at first to look at their stats and miss that passive bonus. Danchou coins are a bit out of my worrying point at the moment (only at 10 right now), I'm pretty sure it'll be a few months before any use comes from them by the rate I'm collecting them since I'm so slow.

    Are there any particularly good Commander exp farming levels outside of 12-5? I only know up to 14-5 and up to that point 12-5's the most exp efficient for the stamina, but I'd like to do some Commander level grinding to get myself to the level 80-100 area ASAP to not waste so much stamina regen.
    Last edited by Bloodsport Bloom; 05-21-2017 at 06:20 AM.

    DMM ID: 826334200
    IGN: ILoveCorgis
    Currently: Still looking for DMM allies.

  10. #910

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    Wow, since quest 9 or 10 all stages got modified so hard. No RNG to mess your team anymore so it's really easy to get 3 stars.

    And finally on the doorstep of blooming the girls. Oxalis is just so great after blooming. But now I have to re-level her again.

    FKG ID
    DMM ID: 561075604 (106/107)
    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

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