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  1. #11
    Hrmm... I went ahead and got the 3yr 5000DMM gatcha deal, will show results in a bit.. but right now I'm a bit torn on 4 rainbows I've narrowed it down to:

    1) Hare's Tale Grass - I only have 1 rainbow blunt and could use another to try and balance things more. Plus, she's all about speed which could help a slower unit.
    2) Saffron - A damn defensive tank! She evades, counters, increase damage reduction, increases defense of team members, and allows possibility of surviving hits with 1HP up to 3 times in a battle. I don't think this girl will go down easy any time soon!
    3) Royal Water Lily (June Bride) - A variety of abilities from common abilities such as increase attack and skill activation rate to pretty good abilities with evasion and increasing follow-up damage for team after being attacked on next turn (I just call it "Revenge skill"). So she's like a Swiss army knife.
    4) Easter Cactus - Standard abilities like RWL (JB) above, but has increase attack in boss fights. But the big one which is very unique is her phoenix abilities of restoring HP to 3 members to 50% when hitting HP 0, giving your team more turns to inflict as much damage as possible.

    Decisions... Decisions... All seem like very good picks. Will definitely Have to put this final 4 on my list in the other thread. What do you all think?
    Last edited by ShadwNinjaX; 01-29-2018 at 07:55 PM.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

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