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  1. #4801

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    I believe I won a couple of fights on the 4th turn yesterday, but I didn't get to screenshot any until today.

    By the way, I've spent a few flower stones just to make up for the raid points that I can't regenerate while I'm out at work.

    Quote Originally Posted by game2534 View Post
    Anyone here can defeat all 7 of these guys?
    I've won about 4-5 times for every 6 fights, with an occasional draw or a rare loss due to really bad RNG in support phase (thanks to Nazuna's attack which barely makes a dent on anything!)

    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostmon View Post
    OMGOMG that 3rd anni 5k pt. was time limited? Ahhh missed my chance, thought it was like the first anniversary, you can redeem whenever. Uggghhhh. Oh well, guess I'll wait for next time / continue praying to RNG Gods...
    If you're referring to the promo itself (not the ticket), it only lasted until yesterday (2/19). On the other hand, the ticket from that promo doesn't expire.
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  2. #4802

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    Quote Originally Posted by game2534 View Post
    No need to use gem on this, let the whales do it. I just simply poke if I have time or raid point to spare. (usually take out 6, the broken boss is too powerful and without blunt girls it just too much)
    Pop quiz time! Guess how many gems the top guy uses to refill his raid point. (Not that I know the answer)
    Attachment 9359
    @wbread That's Higanbana. I don't know if she has alternate skin to appear shibi or not.
    Hey... that list. Some name look familiar

    ummm... hmmm... the 2nd prat of Nidhogg battle will be mission challenge.
    wow... This really excite. That's why they disable the whale mission next week.
    Last edited by twilightdream; 02-20-2018 at 08:01 AM.

  3. #4803

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    I am getting Drwas all the time... what am I doing wrong ?
    Do I need to change my setup for maximum TP like in WS missions ?
    Do I need to use more Raid Points ?

    Help anyone ? O.o

    Edit: Now I used 2 RB and got a Loss... wtf ? T___T
    Last edited by Myrdin; 02-20-2018 at 08:14 AM.

  4. #4804

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    Just use only 1 RP to run Nidhogg battle.
    No matter you win, draw or lose you still got item from the fight.
    And like I and game said before, point count by kill pest.
    You can kill only 1 or kill or 7 pests it count, no worry.

  5. #4805

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    Your main team must be as strong as possible as they will constantly do damage to boss so balance them well with offense and defense, team 2-4 can go with full offense without any worry. And pray that Nazuna won't meddle or you will waste a precious turn for pitiful damage. Her support is good but it will slimmed your win chance down a lot.

    Anyway you don't need to worry whether you win or not. Just whack it when possible to get as many rewards as possible.

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    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  6. #4806

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    Ok thanks for the info guys.
    So pretty much just hit the "Total Power" button and roll with that to put it simple :P
    Yeah Nazuna doesnt do much to help honestly.

    What do I have to do to get the 15 Flower Gems ? I need a win or something ?

  7. #4807

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    Wow, I know I said that win or not doesn't matter, but I seriously want to strangle Nazuna for her useless meddling now. She like using that peashooter of her so much, like...3 and sometimes even 4 out of 5 turns. 4-5 times that I was so close to win yet she just had to ruin it.

    FKG ID
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    IGN: Dusk

    [Just a guy with bad self control and blow his gems for more salt and sodium chloride]

  8. #4808

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    Same for me. And when she doesn't come to poke the boss, she comes for a -50% turn 1 on the easiest pests. Or heal the "team" when only one girl is still alive. And above all, those Pierce weak bosses are harder than the Hit weaks. That Centipede can just one shot my rainbows. But that's still a really cool event where all the players works together for the same cause. We need more stuff like that.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
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  9. #4809

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    I... arrr... don't really know what happen in the fight anymore.
    After some first severals fight in first day I just keep skip it.

    But I do understand why Nazuna appear often in some fight.
    She wants to remind danjou that she is his No.1 for sure

    Also here is my 4 turn success clear.
    I don't know how many time it happen, like I said I keep skipping.
    I start to feel sorry for my girls now...

  10. #4810

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    Okay Nazunabich just ruin my fights right now by coming 9 times in 2 battles to "support" (aka heal full life teams or reduce damage of a boss dealing more than twice my life bar). I can't even kill the scorpion on the 3rd fight. Please stop it Nazuna.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

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