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  1. #1

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    Anyone is welcome.
    I won't step into the new system in severals first day, will let other experiment it before I try.
    Hope they won't break anything during maint.

  2. #2

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    I hope they will break something during maint. So, we will have some nice compensations. Okay, I'm a terrible person.
    Anyway, I was not expecting that so early. I'm not prepared for it at all. I guess I will just wait a bit and see how it works.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  3. #3
    Wutan has come back?

    Play on DMM only?
    Flower Knight Girl ID: 305847614(Please notify me if you want to FL request me)
    FL list: 31/31

    Kamihime Project ID: 979936

  4. #4

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    hey nazrin.

    Yeah i came back last year in december.

    At first i played both DMM and Nutaku.

    But since i had an insane luck streak on FKG DMM (i already have more Rainbows on DMM) i decided to quit Nutaku once again.

    I don't know Nutaku implements new things at a very low pace and i still haven't forgive them how they treated the Maple Gacha way back in the beginning of 2017 (Kurenai had a similar negative experience even though it was much worse than mine).

    Granted Nutaku's Free Rainbow Campaign was very good but i lack interest to play Nutaku atm.

    I have to ask Myrdin in the near future to change my Sig to DMM only.

    If you still have your DMM Account feel free to send me a friend request

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2016

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    What is the rarity system you guys are talking about ?
    Ditto - are there any details on this?

    Title: Paired cake

    Wheat: I've heard you like things in pairs, so I've tried making a paired cake
    Winter Cosmos: Yaay! Thanks you very much!
    Winter Cosmos: A heart that's split in half kind of makes you think of being heartbroken...
    Wheat: Now that you say that...! I'm sorry...
    Wheat: I'll remake it right now...
    Winter Cosmos: Wheat... You wanted to let me know through this cake... That your hopes didn't come through and that something painful happened, right?
    Wheat: Huh?
    Winter Cosmos: <And then I answer like this: "I'll be your cake">
    Winter Cosmos: <Wheat's eyes sparkle and she says "Thank you" and...>
    Wheat: <I don't know what's happening, but I'm glad that she seems to like it...>

    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  7. #7
    Unregistered Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    What is the rarity system you guys are talking about ?
    Devs are introducing a way to upgrade 2-5*s to 6*, added a few characters at a time like blooms. It'll use a currency obtained from FG rolls(2/single, 22/batch) or the Danchou Medal exchange. You will be sent what you earned from your rolls since Dec. 24th. The amount of the new currency required will be reduced based on the character's skill level and equipment slots. Further details are strangely lacking for something two days away.

  8. #8

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    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Unregistered View Post
    Devs are introducing a way to upgrade 2-5*s to 6*, added a few characters at a time like blooms. It'll use a currency obtained from FG rolls(2/single, 22/batch) or the Danchou Medal exchange. You will be sent what you earned from your rolls since Dec. 24th. The amount of the new currency required will be reduced based on the character's skill level and equipment slots. Further details are strangely lacking for something two days away.
    Thats very interesting.

    I do wonder how its gonna work - as in: if those girls that receive the Priority upgrade, become a "Proper" 6* (means, stats, stat increases, active, and passive skills powered up to represent the 6* status), or if they be like Alstromaria, where its just a cosmetic 6*, though granted she does have 4 passive skills which is very very rare for 5* to have.

    Hmm upping Nadeshiko chan to 6* would turn her into monster like Safron... maybe even better since she has Life Drain activate.
    Although... Honeslty.... 6* Sasanqua ...moff ... just thinking out loud mof mof :3

  9. #9
    HaHA, yea wutan. Nutaku(or rather Superhippo team that handles FKG nutaku) gives really shit updates.

    I mean, free 200 storage for upgrade materials? They finally implemented that.

    Kicker is: it is free at 0 storage space. No free 200 spaces.

    My god.

    Not that I care much since I have moved to Kamihime Project entirely anyway but man, what a kicker
    Flower Knight Girl ID: 305847614(Please notify me if you want to FL request me)
    FL list: 31/31

    Kamihime Project ID: 979936

  10. #10

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    Yeah the 0 storage space was really shady. I mean what's the difference spending FGs to increase the Normal Character Capacity compared to spending FGs to increase storage slots...we can't have n1 things i guess^^

    Superhippo is always good for the lolz

    Yeah Kamihime is n1.

    Unfortunately my luck in that game is shit on both platforms.

    I would have to reroll accounts for some good SSR.

    Maybe i try it after acquiring 20 Rainbows on DMM;D
    Last edited by Wutan; 03-10-2018 at 12:14 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

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