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  1. #5091

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by twilightdream View Post
    For me this 3 need star boost immediately.
    Whew... there are quite a lot of girls in the lower tiers I would like to see as 6* and I can largely second the choice above,
    though in my case the choice would look something like this (if I limit myself to 1/tier).

    I guess I like units with a humoristic quirk.
    Last edited by Volarmis; 03-27-2018 at 07:01 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  2. #5092

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    OH Volarmis, my BRO, my COMRADE. That's nice choice.
    Glory for the purple sister!

  3. #5093

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    For me it will be:

    Since Alstroe Maria already have Rainbow Promotion (and 6* version) and St Paulia too, I guess nexts 3* and 4* could be

    I really like Water Fringe for some reasons...

    And for event 5*, I want

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  4. #5094

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Title: Beisaball*

    Chinese Lantern: I also want to try beisaball!!
    Trailing Abutilon: <Hmmm...> We don't have a bat with us right now though.
    Chinese Lantern: If it's a bat, I've got one right here!!
    Trailing Abutilon: Wha...! <isn't that...>
    Chinese Lantern: Let's go, throw the ball!!
    Trailing Abutilon: Sure...
    Trailing Abutilon: <It's fine, I guess> Ei!
    Chinese Lantern: Wah!! The ball got stuck on the bat!!
    Trailing Abutilon: I though so...
    Trailing Abutilon: ...ok, 11 spikes remaining, right?
    Chinese Lantern: Aren't you starting a different game!?

    * I'm not sure if I'm missing any pun here - neither the native word (やきゅう) nor the english loanword (ベースボール) for baseball is used.
    Plus, she's also saying it in her quotes from the gacha, so I'm going to leave it like this.

    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #5095

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    Ok guys found this on himeuta and if some of you didn't know yet i copypasted the buffs certain 6* got or will get in the next couple of days:

    [Old]: Self and two non-blunt party members deal weak point damage to blunt
    [New]: Self and two non-blunt party members deal weak point damage to blunt; self and two non-pierce party members deal weak point damage to pierce

    Jersey Cudweed
    [Old]: 30% to solar drive power
    [New]: 50% to solar drive power

    Blushing Bride
    [Old]: 35% to solar drive power
    [New]: 50% to solar drive power

    Bush Clover
    [Old]: 18% attack to party/50% chance to act again
    [New]: 20% attack to party and 40% attack to self/60% chance to act again

    Viola (yukata)
    [Old]: 35% to solar drive power
    [New]: 50% to solar drive power

    Black Baccara
    [Old]: 10% attack to party
    [New]: (15% x number of pests) attack to party

    [Old]: Counter with 4x defense
    [New]: Counter with 4.25x defense, 15% defense and 2.2% shield to party, guts

    Horse Chestnut
    [Old]: During boss fights, 15% attack to party
    [New]: During boss fights, 20% attack to party

    Apple (Tanabata)
    [Old]: 20% attack debuff to two enemies/40% chance to act again/15% attack to party/counter with 3.5x defense
    [New]: 20% attack debuff to three enemies/50% chance to act again/20% attack to party/counter with 3.75x defense

    These are the characters who are to be adjusted on the April 2 maintenance:

    [−] Spoiler
    [Old]: 40% critical rate to self
    [New]: 40% critical rate and 150% critical damage to self

    [Old]: 25% critical rate to party
    [New]: 30% critical rate and 20% critical damage to party

    [Old]: 15% critical rate and 15% critical damage to party
    [New]: 20% critical rate and 30% critical damage to party

    Aizoon Stonecrop
    [Old]: 20% critical rate to party
    [New]: 25% critical rate to party

    [Old]: 20% critical damage to party
    [New]: 25% critical damage to party

    Christmas Rose
    [Old]:15% critical rate to party
    [New]: 20% critical rate and 15% critical damage to party

    [Old]: 15% critical rate to party
    [New]: 30% critical rate to party

    [Old]: 15% critical rate and 15% critical damage to party
    [New]: 20% critical rate and 30% critical damage to party

    [Old]: 15% critical rate to party
    [New]: 15% critical rate and 40% critical damage to party

    Herbaceous Peony
    [Old]: 15% critical rate to party
    [New]: 15% critical rate and 15% critical damage to party

    Herbaceous Peony (Halloween)
    [Old]: 20% critical rate to party
    [New]: 30% critical rate to party

    Dusty Miller
    [Old]: 15% critical rate to party
    [New]: 20% critical rate to party

    Susuki (Swimsuit)
    [Old]: 15% critical rate to party
    [New]: 20% critical rate and 15% critical damage to party

    [Old]: 15% critical rate and 20% critical damage to party
    [New]: 20% critical rate and 30% critical damage to party

    [Old]: 10% critical rate to party
    [New]: 15% critical rate and 15% critical damage to party

    Flowering Peach
    [Old]: 10% critical rate and 15% critical damage to party
    [New]: 15% critical rate and 30% critical damage to party

    Tall Stewartia (Christmas)
    [Old]: 20% critical rate to party, 75% critical damage to self
    [New]: 25% critical rate and 15% critical damage to party, 75% critical damage to self

    [Old]: 30% critical damage to party
    [New]: 40% critical damage to party

    [Old]: 20% critical rate and 10% critical damage to party
    [New]: 20% critical rate and 25% critical damage to party

    I am really happy with those updates. A few of my Girls got a n1 buffs.

    Thank you Devs!!!

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  6. #5096

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Ok clearly there are some girls who receive stronger buffs then others.
    Anemone is already powerfull enough but now she has 30% chance and 20%
    What the fuck ? Aizoon got a 5% bosot and thats it lol...

    Some of the changes are quite major and had this been implemented before I might have opt out for a different setup.
    Happy for the buffs, but srsly fuck you if you aint gonna do it fairly ... (fucking 5% buff for Aizoon and meanwhile Anemone who is mainly Counter girl gets not only buff to chance but a crit damage buff completely for free... sigh)

    Anyway, unless they raised the ceeling for the crit chance, none of these actually helps out. If I count correctly I should have around 80-85% crit chance right now, but if its still capped at 70% this update didnt really help out that much.

  7. #5097

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    Yeah would be n1 if they raise the Crit Cap (i mean i don't think 100% Crit chance would break the game or something) but i think it already caps at 80% or did i miss something?

    Anewaifu's Buff and Acacia's Buff are fucking huge.

    I know how you feel. If i had known Acacia would get such a huge boost i had purchases her.

    Personally i am really happy about Tall Stewartia's buff because stat wise she is one of the weakest 6* in my opinion. 2300 something def is really really low for a 6*...

    At least she now has really good Buffs for the whole team. I am happy about that.


    Ok i checked it ingame. My team here would have a Crit Chance of 85% but it caps at 80%:

    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-screenshot-326-.jpg

    I wouldn't mind if they raise the Critical Hit Cap to 100 % though especially if you have Girls with Multiattack Hits like detective chan or Dusty cause the ocassional normal hit there is annoying and could make the difference in defeating the boss in a crucial turn or not.
    Last edited by Wutan; 03-27-2018 at 01:09 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  8. #5098

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    Last day of Mint reissued gacha. I got two 3* and one 4* on two normal gacha in a row. I guess that's the moment to use some FG. come on Mint!
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-17th_roll_mint_reissue-5433444.jpg
    Mah gad! No Mint but... totally unexpected Easter Cactus. That's really cool. And a bonus loli. One more rainbow... 200 more Rainbow Shards... and I will reach my Nutaku rainbow level.
    Okay right now I don't actually have any useof her broken skill but that's still a super good girl.

    And that salticket campaign is nice too.
    Last edited by maotd; 03-27-2018 at 01:30 PM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #5099

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    Just drop by.
    Crit rate cap at 80% is a lot already.
    I think you may want to work on crit dmg.

  10. #5100

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    N1. GZ

    To be honest the ongoing campaign is really good. Used my last 5 salt tickets yesterday and now we get new ones.

    At last after 2 months i will be at 10 Salt Tickets again.


    Imagine Acacia with Critical Damage of +250%. That's totally crazy.

    Myrdin is right though. After browsing all updates some girls got better updates than others but i won't rearrange my Crit Girls.

    I will purchase Wheat and after that i will focus on my other teams. I desperately want to finish my "undying" Kerria Team and my Counter Team as well.

    Since i know you are building a similar Kerria Team lets share them after we acquired all necessary pieces

    I am curious what your Team Composition will look like.
    Last edited by Wutan; 03-27-2018 at 03:23 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

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