Quote Originally Posted by skasio View Post
Lagurus is kind of mediocre.
First of all, I tested attack-speed conversion buff on Beefsteak Geranium, and... turns out it's preeeety bad, as no other attack buffs affect it. Speed is only thing that matters.
So, at 750 speed - and I don't think you realistically want to go above that - it's 900 attack. For a fully ampied rainbow that's ~10% buff.
Then, she attacks twice on turn one, but has no skill activation whatsoever. Poor man's Denobrium. Just add Cymbidium. Fixes skill activation issue, and she's slow - helps with keeping overall team speed in check.
Well, mediocre or not, she is my only 6* so i definitely will level her to 80 lvl with 300 ampies. Sorry, Waterlilly, your bloom shall wait. And about skill activation rate - i can send her in group with 3-4 skill up girls (in my case for example Anemone miko, Limnanthes, Heather,Cyclamenn radiant). Cymbidium provides nice boost at turn 1, but i don't have her. Maybe i will pick her with ticket after my Lagurus and Sorel will hit 80 lvl. Before it i will just use +80% regular skill up chance.