Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
So guys, I know most of us here are employed hard working people with limited free time, but I was wondering if you play any MMORPG or other online games other than the browser stuff like FKG.

For me I tried: Blade and Soul, a Korean game. Not a bad one but a bit boring due to how repetitive the quests are.
I was also looking at Moonlight Blade a Chinese MMO, with low fantasy setting, but looks very interesting and has that "epic kung fu movies" feel to it. Have not yet tried it though for myself.

So what about you ?
I had my phase of going through a lot of the free MMORPGs (plus the non-free Black Desert Online), but I'm not playing any right, mainly due to having nobody from my close friends to play with.
The game I've stuck with the longest (over 4 years) is Vindictus. Since it's a game I just cannot shut up about, I'll try to keep it short.
It's not a perfect game, since most of its mechanisms are too luck-based for my tastes, but it has two major points that would still give it a 8/10 in my opinion:
1) combat system - I have not seen an online game (and I've seen a lot) with combat as smooth, action packed and fun as in Vindictus
2) graphics - Built on the Source engine, the graphics match the game well, making the characters and animations look great without any excessive, annoying neon eye-candy that is seen in most games today
Other than those two points (and maybe the story of the game including NPC characters), the game has little to offer unfortunately and any other characteristic it has will be a hit-or-miss depending on the player.
I stopped playing it because of the decision of the devs to implement a patch that even Korean players told them not to, which effectively made the game fun only once you're at close to max level, instead fun all-around as it once was.