Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
So guys, I know most of us here are employed hard working people with limited free time, but I was wondering if you play any MMORPG or other online games other than the browser stuff like FKG.

For me I tried: Blade and Soul, a Korean game. Not a bad one but a bit boring due to how repetitive the quests are.
I was also looking at Moonlight Blade a Chinese MMO, with low fantasy setting, but looks very interesting and has that "epic kung fu movies" feel to it. Have not yet tried it though for myself.

So what about you ?
I'm not really playing these much right now, but I played a lot of World of Tanks and Eve online in the past. Eve online is a game that, if you try to solo, you will get board and quit in a bout 3 months from when you start playing. The Yahtzee review is dead on if you play solo


World of Tanks is the fun game you play when you are burned out on Eve Online. It'll take 3-5000 games to get good, though, but when it starts to click, it's really fun.

Eve recently upgraded it's free to play ability of players, letting you train up to T2 small and medium guns, as well as T1 battleships, so you can get involved in lots of nullsec fun, although no capitals, T2 ships or cloakies. World of Tanks has always been free to play.

I never really got into other non-vehicle based online games.