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  1. #5371

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    Thank you.

    Sadly my counter team isn't complete yet.

    My team would be: Saffron, Habranthus, Phoenix-chan, Helenium and Canola.
    Since you are an expert when it comes to this kind of teams do you think my team would perform well?


    I had 208 Rainbow coins before i purchased the 3000 DMM Deal.

    The Girl i picked:

    Since i have got another Girl i really wanted at the beginning of this month i am finally done purchasing Crit Girls

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  2. #5372

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    The most general way to deal with broken boss is use a lot of debuff girls.
    You can choose what debuff you want, skill or ATK depend on boss style you facing.
    If you set it right you need only 10 rainbow at most to knock Re- Sakura & Ume map.

  3. #5373

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    May 2016
    Volarmis: Thanks mofu :3

    Wutan/Ninjax - Gentleman.... pleaaaaase
    What you are talking about sounds suspiciously like a "Tactica" to me. And there is a specific place to discuss Tactica in this forum.
    Mofu redirection Tactica succesfull, returning to base :3
    *everything gets better when you add the word Tactica to it :3

  4. #5374

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    Apr 2017
    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    Volarmis: Thanks mofu :3

    Wutan/Ninjax - Gentleman.... pleaaaaase
    What you are talking about sounds suspiciously like a "Tactica" to me. And there is a specific place to discuss Tactica in this forum.
    Mofu redirection Tactica succesfull, returning to base :3
    *everything gets better when you add the word Tactica to it :3
    Heh sorry, I thought my post was more about 'boast my waifus yo the world' more than actual strategy. It went off track midway it seems.

  5. #5375

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    Quote Originally Posted by game2534 View Post
    Heh sorry, I thought my post was more about 'boast my waifus yo the world' more than actual strategy. It went off track midway it seems.
    Nah you good game. I am referring to Wutan posting a possible team composition. In such case I think it makes more sense to continue in Tactica thread because there will lot of text once the discussion about the skills and combinations of the girls start.
    I think your team is very effective, especially with Phoenix chan with her ressurection skill. For girls with super counter and guts who win through attrition rather than nuking the enemy, thats one hell of a skill.

    Wuta: Btw - Good choice. Mei was my first waifu for a looong time, and the first girl I ever purchased in FKG. Top in looks and skills (SB in there is a bit out of place honestly but ehh, cant be perfect I suppos).
    Would give her Victorias VA, and drop her Sakura obsession (its really annoying if you use her as secretary, since its her default line, about how she her objective is beating Sakura, geez girl get a life )

  6. #5376

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    I will try using all my Debuff Girls for this map then. I have a lot of 5* Debuff Girls so shouldn't be a problem.
    Sadly i don't have Choco Cosmos so healing via nodes is out of the window for me.



    Yeah Mei is an awesome Girl. Look at her stats man. She also has awesome H-Scenes.
    The Voice Actor is okay but i would defently prefer Vicys Voice Actor for her (same for Kerria). Vicys Voice Actor is just awesome
    Btw. Habranthus might be spoken by the same VA.
    Last edited by Wutan; 04-25-2018 at 10:06 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  7. #5377

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Bump fufu~

    Not much going on in here this week mofu :3 must keep thread alive mofu :3

  8. #5378
    I went to Australia recently for a family trip... went to kunokiniya bookstore and luckily found some fkg merch... anyone know someone or somewhere that i could have it translated? I got this one: [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-61bnimoyogl._sy400_.jpg
    Last edited by JLP603; 04-26-2018 at 07:48 PM.
    FKG DMM ID: 255077336 IGN: JLP603
    FKG Nutaku ID: Shitaku account inactive

  9. #5379

    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-lycoris-v3.jpg

    They finally did it, this definitely revives my love for her. Really nice touch with the little chibi to the side, very satisfied.

    And yes, I think I might go for 3k rainbow coin deal, tho I'm not sure who exactly to get, better buy it then regret it later. Other than that, been player Bleach Brave Souls, so been slacking on FKG. Great game. I still stand by that Bleach was a great anime/manga, just that there were too many internal conflicts in the eventually ending of an otherwise masterpiece.

    DMM ID: 838832909

  10. #5380

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    To HQ Nothing to report much here.

    In FGK, It's a normal week with whale mission discount, so I farm whale medal hard.

    In Otogi Frontier I farm boss event hard too, since it give the big pink fairy for skill leveling.
    (Normally I'll stop doing it already).

    Because of this 2 incident so I have to stop playing FE for a while (just like mid way in FE4).

    About FKG, there're 2 thing I love very much now.
    - The repeat 1 track function in garden, with this I can finally use FKG garden as my personel jukebox.
    - You can buy 2 mini-game and decorate it in your garden.
    I admit I waste... some... of my free time in the shooting mini-game...
    Finally My Nae is yellow.

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