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  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Mraktar View Post
    Yes, i found too that majority evasion girls are red or yellow, i only have Snapdragon on nutaku (counter evasion) and Sorel NY (evasion) on DMM as hit type. And more - there are much less hit type 6* girls then other types, i don't know why, and event hit girls are rare.. sounds like discrimination. So now i'm in wierd situation - i've got 33 5* girls, and only 3 of them are hit type, including permanent event Edelweiss. Is it a common situation, or just my personal gacha problems?
    I wouldnt go as far as to call it discrimination. These are 2D anime characters. You cant "discriminate" against them. They are not alive and have no feelings, regardless of how waifu they might be.
    Personally I think its either a design oriented decission, or more likely a design oversight.
    The first one might be something like "lets make most of the crit girls slice and pierce, since most of these usually on their artworks have eitherbladed weaponry or some sort of ranged precision weaponry, thus making them single hit lethal.
    Lets make most counter girls Hit type, because if you take a look hit type girls fall into pretty much two categories - the hand to hand martial artists and the massive weapn wielding girls with hammers, maces, etc. Now I say most not all so keep that in mind.
    Few Magic girls who have character design that gives the feeling of elusive or nimble like Foxy chan have also Counter.
    But when it comes to evasion, its really hard to find enough 6* Blunt types who have evasion. And those that do usually lack in the other skills.
    I might be wrong here but only Summer Squash (Pumpkin) has Evasion as a Blunt type no ?
    Etc, etc etc, You know something like this - if its design intention.

    If its design oversight though - I can understand that, considering there is a LOT of girls out there, and now that they have to revamp older lower tier girls with new skills it might be just a bit to confusing to keep in track of all the skills and who has who. Maybe the dev team isnt that big, and all of this falls on one person, thus if the person wants to make lets say girls with this skill, it might be coincidence that he likes certain artist or style / theme and as such all of these girls have this skill - and just happen to be Slice type. Or something like that really.

    Now I think its intentional design, since it took 4ever but eventually they made 2 magic type 6* who have Critical buffing skills - Kuko and Strept...Strap....Strip...whatever the fuck chan (Wutan, bro, you have the girl, back me up here ) so clearly once they notice a certain trend they try to make at least few excemptions, but those are just that - very rare, few and far in between girls you can count on a single hand.

    Honestly I am hoping here, they break these rules more often. For players like me who like variety in their unit types and use mixed teams its really hard to finish some of those teams when just arent enough girls to go around with those particullar skills and those particullar types combinations.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    On a totally different note, it's a surprise to see Nazuna give her role as the daily login presenter over to our new Lotus Lake royalty representative.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

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