Quote Originally Posted by Wutan View Post
Iono got the short end of the stick in my opinion.

The only buff she received is 10% Skill Damage for the whole team. Well that's not bad but an increased chance to attack again would have been much better.

PS: Thanks,Myrdin

Well originally i didn't want to purchase Crit Girls anymore cause i have a decent collection of them already but this new 6* is borderline OP for Crit Teams.
Btw. her name is Streptocarpus. Just call her Sherlock-Chan
Quoted from tactica, to not spam to much chit chat around there.

Yeah the skill dmg is nice and all, but a 10% buff to her Re-acting would be better. Ah well

So how is the new Girl OP ? Just because she gives a Weak status against 3 other types ?
I mean sure, weak is like what ...+0.5 damage multyplier and crit is +1.5 so once stacked thats 2.0 damage multiplier before the actual Crit damage buffs are applied.... or something like that.
But I dont feel like its that much of an OP skill setup honestly.