FYI, the said video is originally from a Level 250 Japanese player named Allocer. It's insane how he only needed one party and 44 seconds to defeat the Core Stage. The girls most likely have been fully-specced + fully-ampuled for them to pull off a perfect fight against the Core Guardian's 3 forms. The enemy didn't even get to strike back.

Check his Twitter posts. He's freaking Moby Dick, no question.

- - -

Speaking of Nidhogg battles, I haven't shared my exploits.

For two months, I had been dead set on avenging my defeat at the hands er, claws of the Guardian back in its debut. I wasn't about to lose a second time around.

I ain't going to be outdone, gentlemen!

The Decisive Battle of Nidhogg

7 enemies in 2 turns.

Maze of Sweltering Heat

EX Stage (SP: 640,000)

Core Stage (SP: 680,000) Hail Yamabuki!

Sweet revenge done. Au revoir.