I dont like the basic Cherry as the colors on her art are way strong, contradicting each other and it feels like someone enjoying a cocaine trip drew it in high neon colors.
Thats the basic Cherry.
The Cherry Bride however I do actually like. Still not my favorite but the colors are more streamlined into each other and create a better more coherent theme. For the first time ever I think, I thought that Cherry is actually pretty. So good job whoever did the artwork.

Lotus is the second one I believe, but I am not 100% sure about that, though I do think so.
That one looks very mofu and fluffy in a way that you just wanna hug and snuggle and just enjoy the presence of the girl in your arms.
You know that fuzzy fluffy mofu feeling :3

Plumeria is very cute and considering her first event appearance was a bikiny version thus not really much to comment at, I think her Bride version is very adorable. She even kept her armored gloves in the basic form, which is a nice nod to her older self. I do like the dress they put her in, I feels its a fitting one. Much adorbs, very mofu :3 :3

The last girl whom I believe to be the event girl is.... well... Kinda meh.
At least her basic form is not interesting to me. Her Evo art I can actually dig to a degree mostly due to the shift in tone, going from a happy go-to to a more serious, combat oriented one.
While I am not really into short haired girl I think her overall style is passable, the color contrast of red and white goes well together, and the overall aesthetics is not bad. I am also in favor of exchanging the stockings for bare skin with only that frilly thing accessory (not sure what you call that in english) bound around her thigh.

My two cents as far as the art, theme and overall aesthetics of the new girls goes.