Wow... RnG really does hate me lately, when not counting that one lucky Plumeria pull.

Did two pulls on the 5* Gacha to get some golds hoping for dupes.
1 gold per pull, both dupes. 4 RC exactly.... I mean with a 12% rate to pull a 6* statistically out of those 22 girls more than two should be gold.

Ah well... who cares anymore. Finally got enough RC for one of the two girls I really wanted to get my hands on.
Was super tempted to go straight for Mei. But will probably wait a little and re-do my crit girls research considering the influx of new crit girl due to patch updates.
Still have not decided whether I want to have two Crit, two Counter teams, or two Crit (this one is decided, there will be two :P ) a counter and a debuff - Kerria team. Seeing as she is plainly outright broken. Dont have Saffron either, hmm. But ... ah well. We´ll see, for now I´ll be sitting on those rainbow coins and wait.