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  1. #5991

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    I sincerely hope everything will go smoothly cause the last roll i did yesterday made my extremely salty and those Campaign rewards could compensate for that.


    I rolled the gacha for 3000 DMM Point and got only Silver Crap.


    I didn't do the math but i was extremely unlucky there^^

    I would like the new Girl to be a Blunt Debuff Girl.
    20% Debuff, Skill Act, SingleTarget Damage.

    But a Blunt Counter Girl would be nice as well even though i am quite happy with all my Countergirls.

    Edit: The Girl looks like a Magic Type though...
    Last edited by Wutan; 07-10-2018 at 11:48 AM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  2. #5992

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  3. #5993
    Unregistered Guest
    They've already shown the pre-reg girl's abilities. She's a basic attack power, skill rate, crit combo.

      戦闘中、パーティメンバーの攻 力が25%上昇
      戦闘中、パーティメンバーのス ル発動率がそれぞれの好感度に応じ 最大1.2倍上昇
      戦闘中、パーティメンバーのク ティカル攻撃発生率が20%上昇し、
      ※他アビリティとの組み合わせ 発生率は最大80%まで上昇可能
      ボス敵との戦闘中、パーティメ バーの攻撃力が35%上昇

  4. #5994
    Guys, how do you rate Summer Squash SS (new 6*)? Today i've got her as a second 6* after Lagurus and I think that she is even much worse. 15% attack on turn 1, are you kidding me? it's a garbage even for 5*. The rest are not much better. I rate her as D-grade and guess that random realy hates me.

    Another question - what 5* becomes most powerfull after rarity up (let's assume that i have them all)? As random hates me with 6*, at least now I have crystals for 1 girl so i must to choose carefully. Now my candidates are: Waterlilly (S-, a little weaker version of Kerria), Adenium (A, the same but weaker), Rainbow rose (S? i guess that she becomes a beast at 6*). Am i missed someone else as powerfull as those 3? Any other advice?
    Kamihime ID: 4800544, wind (Hrae included)//frozen
    Nutaku FKG ID: 375715584
    DMM FKG ID :922767212
    DMM Kamihime:4201976 - Hrae, Kirin, Cerberus

  5. #5995

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Increases Attack for party members by 15% multiplied by the number of remaining enemies on the field when combat begins.
    Increases Skill Activation Rate for party members by 1.65x on turn 1.
    Increases Damage of Skills for party members by 15%.
    Increases Attack for party members by 15% on turn 1.

    Yeah she is pretty garbage. I assume she will be buffed very shortly because this girl will bring a lot of discontent from the community.
    My guess she will get one more ability. But for her to be anywhere near usefull as a 1st turn girl that 1 time damage buff needs to be at least 50-60% bare minimum if this is what she is supposed to do. Who ever was the person who came up with this girl didnt really consider the overall balance because that skill is utter garbage and about as useless as the shitty 30 Shine drop crystals.

    Now if you got her from the gacha for Free ? I wouldnt complain that much. Its still a 6* so the stats are there, and I am sure she will be buffed (no way the JP players will not complain about this). Now If that damage got buffed only to 30, but she received Debuff, that would be something to consider. As long as you dont have at least 2 full teams of synergistic 6* doing specific team, any new 6* is usefull.

  6. #5996

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    I just finished updating the Journal with the news graphic. The devs apparently forgot (lol) to make a banner for this week's rarity-promotable characters.

    Also note that next maintenance will be on the 17th (Tuesday) instead of 16th (Monday), which is a holiday in Japan.

    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    Kurenai: Reporting back. Bruh. Bruuuh.... Thanks for the Vivaldi recommendation. Its so much faster as far as FKG is concerned then anything I´ve been using till now.
    Not tried other stuff on it yeat, since its a pretty deep browser so it will take some time to get used to it, but speeding up the game is already a big plus in my book. Cheers !
    Oh, glad to hear that!

    By the way, I can sense you're a bit skeptical with all the fuss on the mobile app, but I'm positive that we will get our pre-registration rewards on PC, even if we don't plan to use the app at all. I'm going to try it out when I get the chance and see if it's better than using Puffin. Personally, what I'm worried about is if I still need VPN to play on the app (the same way I do on Puffin) or not. Hopefully the latter.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wutan View Post
    Also i wonder about the new 6* Girl.
    What kind of Abilities do you wish for?
    Quote Originally Posted by game2534 View Post
    About the new girl... I don't want another crit type now because we have too many ATM. If you ask me, I want her to be blunt type girl with def boost&guts, counter&super counter, and skill act boost. My counter team will reach perfection, or at least, one step closer to it.
    Hate to break it to you, but the pre-reg girl (named Colchicum) is almost like Chocolate Lily (minus her unique attack up) in terms of abilities.

    25% attack up for party members
    x1.2 skill activation up for party members
    20% critical attack rate up for party members, 25% critical damage up
    35% attack up for party members on boss fights

    Quote Originally Posted by Mraktar View Post
    Another question - what 5* becomes most powerfull after rarity up (let's assume that i have them all)? As random hates me with 6*, at least now I have crystals for 1 girl so i must to choose carefully. Now my candidates are: Waterlilly (S-, a little weaker version of Kerria), Adenium (A, the same but weaker), Rainbow rose (S? i guess that she becomes a beast at 6*). Am i missed someone else as powerfull as those 3? Any other advice?
    I actually rate RP Adenium a little higher than RP Water Lily for having a self-attack buff (+40%) on top of attack up for party members (RP Water Lily only has +15%), and she has 2 healing sources (auto-heal on top of HP drain skill).

    If only Rainbow Rose got evasion, I'd promote her in a heartbeat.
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  7. #5997

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    @Kurenai and Unregistered
    Thank you,guys

    So another Crit Girl.

    Hmm maybe i can somehow integrate her in my second crit team.
    Which form of Skill Damage does she has? Multihit, SingelTarget?


    About recommended Rarity Up:
    Depends on the team i guess. What kind of 6* Team do you want to build?
    Waterlily is really good in Debuff Teams just like Kerria cause they share a similar Skill Set anyway.

    Adenium also looks really solid.

    Rainbow Rose is a Monster in Crit Teams. I have her myself. I would defently say she is S-Tier as well.

    If you want to go Counter Route Marvel of Peru is really nice.
    Last edited by Wutan; 07-10-2018 at 01:03 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  8. #5998

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    Same thought for Pumpkin. Her only good ability for me is the +15% ATK x pests number. And it's far from being the best ability. To be better she needs at least a new ability AND a good buff on her ATK buff turn one.
    She has good HP and low average ATK and DEF. Her skill is not bad but don't really fit with her abilities. It's better on girls more focused on selfish buff.

    And her regular Pumpkin version is better. Even if she is not that good.

    To be honest, I'm afraid to roll that gacha and try Easter Cactus/Holly just because she is here. And knowing my luck, I'm able to get her since she is one of the weakest rainbows (or at least the weaker later rainbows).

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #5999

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Kurenai View Post

    By the way, I can sense you're a bit skeptical with all the fuss on the mobile app, but I'm positive that we will get our pre-registration rewards on PC, even if we don't plan to use the app at all. I'm going to try it out when I get the chance and see if it's better than using Puffin. Personally, what I'm worried about is if I still need VPN to play on the app (the same way I do on Puffin) or not. Hopefully the latter.

    25% attack up for party members
    x1.2 skill activation up for party members
    20% critical attack rate up for party members, 25% critical damage up
    35% attack up for party members on boss fights
    Yeah I am a bit skeptical. We know DMM FKG devs are very very generous but a free 6* ticket and a full fledged 6* seems a bit too much. I can see it to bring in new players, but I dont think the standing players will get this as well. Would be nice though. I used the same address I have used to reg my PC version so now we can only hope to get da stuff.

    I wonder what type the new reward 6* will be. Her skills are pretty decent. I mean, Her crit stats are on the standard level, and she packs both of the skill (Rate and Damage) to make it actually worth of having. Skill act is great to have, and that Boss fight damage is really nice to have.
    Honeslty She seems pretty good I am not gonna lie. A crit girl with skill act and Boss damage is not too shabby.
    Now depending what her type is will dictate her usefullness. She seems like a Magic type with that staff and all, which again makes her very good since there are only 2 other magic type Crit girls. Plus if you get her for free ? Its a win win. I must say I like her, and her artwork is neat as well, though I find it funny she also rocks the rainbow hair. Feels like its some sort of fashion, or maybe its the same artist and he just likes his rainbows

  10. #6000
    Quote Originally Posted by Kurenai View Post
    I just finished updating the Journal with the news graphic. The devs apparently forgot (lol) to make a banner for this week's rarity-promotable characters.

    Also note that next maintenance will be on the 17th (Tuesday) instead of 16th (Monday), which is a holiday in Japan.

    Oh, glad to hear that!

    By the way, I can sense you're a bit skeptical with all the fuss on the mobile app, but I'm positive that we will get our pre-registration rewards on PC, even if we don't plan to use the app at all. I'm going to try it out when I get the chance and see if it's better than using Puffin. Personally, what I'm worried about is if I still need VPN the same way I play on Puffin or not (hopefully the latter).

    Hate to break it to you, but the pre-reg girl (named Colchicum) is almost like Chocolate Lily (minus Chocolate Lily's unique attack up) in terms of abilities.

    25% attack up for party members
    x1.2 skill activation up for party members
    20% critical attack rate up for party members, 25% critical damage up
    35% attack up for party members on boss fights

    I actually rate rainbow Adenium a little higher than rainbow Water Lily for having a self-attack buff (+40%) on top of attack up for party members (RP Water Lily only has +15%), and she has 2 healing sources (auto-heal on top of HP drain skill).

    If only Rainbow Rose got evasion, I'd promote her in a heartbeat.
    Waterlilly has def+ invul, that is much more powerfull survivial ability then Adenium's regen. 40% to self+ re-action - yes, it's a little better then 15 to everybody, but Increases your Damage to enemies by Current HP / Max HP / 2 partialy compensates this.
    Rainbow Rose... Increases Attack for party members by 28%.,
    After attacking an enemy, there's a 50% chance to Act Again.
    Increases Skill Activation Rate for party members up to 1.2x based on each member's affection.
    Increases Critical Activation Rate for oneself by 50%
    Increases Critical Damage for oneself by 150%.
    Increases your Damage to enemies by Current HP / Max HP / 2.
    If evasion will be added, she will leave Kerria behind and became a new tier girl. I think that she is strongest girl for rarity up now. Lucky we will have a lot of ampies next week to make her 300 ampies before rarity up.
    Kamihime ID: 4800544, wind (Hrae included)//frozen
    Nutaku FKG ID: 375715584
    DMM FKG ID :922767212
    DMM Kamihime:4201976 - Hrae, Kirin, Cerberus

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