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  1. #11

    Join Date
    May 2016

    I tried paying with both Paypal and Credit Card.
    Been using credit card since. Usually I get a message confirming the deduction of the sum from my account within a minute or two after the purchase, as well as a confirmation email to my registered email address (same I used for the mobile pre-reg.... crossing my hoofs that it all works out as Kurenai thinks and we get the rewards. Heck I pre-regged twice with the email coz I wasnt sure it went through the first time).

    Edit: I was just re-reading Kurenais patch notes and noticed this line...

    ▼ Buffed Characters
    The following characters have been buffed: 6★ Saffron, 6★ Rarity-Promoted Blood Iris, 6★ Rarity-Promoted Easter Lily, 6★ Rarity-Promoted Golden-Rayed Lily, 6★ Rarity-Promoted Turnip Rape.

    They must be kidding right ? This girl was already one of the best promotion girls out there. She was the first girl I promoted simply because how fckn broken she was in her setting since she is one of the few rare girls who combine two FULL archetypes (both boss killer abylities and Super counter and guts).

    Kurenai > Do we know what exactly got buffed ? Looking at her numbers I think it was her secondary damage buff that works only on 2, but I am not sure. Maybe her ultimate or trigger chance ?

    ■ Miscellaneous
    - In case of mission failure, aborted mission, or loss of connection in the middle of a stage, stamina will not be consumed anymore.

    This is a big deal. DMM FKG is relatively stable, but sometimes the connection gets a hiccup. This was one of the few things Nutaku did right straight from the get go, and its good to see DMM adopt this as well.
    Now lets all hope for Auto-run in the near future as well, and DMM will be perfect :3
    Kurenai thanks for doing these (here take this newborn mofu as a complimentary gift :3 ) all the time, I completely missed these points when I was first fast reading through it.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 07-11-2018 at 02:20 AM.

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