Fuck fuck fuck.

So as a heads up to all, Twitter announced earlier today that the beginner step-up gacha and 5k gacha are going to be replaced by updated gachas, in celebration for the mobile release.

This means, if you haven't rolled them before, you won't be able to roll these gachas a second time after the 30th maintenance, so do so now. I highly recommend the step-up, if you haven't already done so.

Anyway, naturally, I rolled the 5k gacha... and got a Cherry Sage dupe, when I already redeemed her with a 2015 ticket yesterday.

As a slight compensation, Christmas Rose is somehow not on the ticket list. I'm debating between Mistletoe, Pumpkin, Viola, and Nadeshiko, but I'm hesitant on Nadeshiko since she has her miko version (that I somehow don't have yet). We just had swimsuit Pumpkin too, but I feel like, as soon as I redeem Mistletoe, they'll announce a 5* variant.