Well we did get a lot. 15 was just for the pre-reg I think, plus the were some extras from event missions, maintenance compensation, and now we are rolling with the current promotion.

Got my frist unviersal sealstone. Picked up the cute licketey splicketey Monster girls Poinsetta chan :3
Already know whom I want from the next one (cant remember the name, but its the other slutty slut chick who was introduced togather with QotN, the one throwing thunder kunai. Never got her on Nutaku so I kinda want her.).


Also -just for the record, I finally quit Nutaku. Just like that. No major hickup no big anger, nothing.
A day after we got our pre-reg rewards I launched Nutaku FKG and after a while though to myself "why am I even playing this shi*t".
Didnt log into there since then. First time after what.. 2 years+ I missed a log in

Was hoping to get Azur Lane working, but after spending several hours and chatting with multiple people about it, I threw in the towel. The game just doesnt want me. Might try one more thing but dont really put much faith into it anyway. Sigh
If only they made a browser version of the game ? >__>

Also I wish they finally launched Girls Symphony. Its been quite a long time since the game went down for the re-work, and I thought It was supposed to launch at the end of August this year... or was it September ? If they really preserved everyone 6* that would be nice (though I think they will give us something like a single random 6* and we will be forced to start anew. Too bad since I had 3-4 of them.)