So, new event is here. Finally a raidboss event... but two weeks to late I guess. And it's circus themed. Funny.

It seems manyu keys just disappear from event stage rewards and our old silver gifts are back instead. Ok. Why not. Manyu key were a bit too broken but very useful for emergency manyu.

Still no 5* St Paulia and other popularity contest winners. It's a bit disappointing. Just a bit.

New girls are... new?

Event girl is a cute loli. I don't know what she become after promoting yet. Wait and see the wikia.
As 5* we got Elm and Lithops.
Elm seems really agressive Damages on bosses, ATK buff and ATK buff based on pest number. And she gets skill damages (I guess) with her 6* promotion. Not awesome but solid if you like her. And she has a 3 target skill.

Lithops is... less interesting. ATK buff, DEF buff and Evasion. And her 6* promotion gives... no counter. Just ATk buff based on turn. It looks like +10% ATK up to 30%? I can't read japanese runes so, wait for wiki. And her ATK buff turn into something strange. I don't know what it is. She has a 3 times attack kill.

The new 6* is Purple Columbine. A cute tiny loli. Again. She has a good 1.65% skill act, a tiny +18% ATK buff and +12% damages on bosses and skill damages. Like Elm,she is really agressive, solid but not awesome.

The last promoted girl is Rose Diana but I have not her new ability yet. I hope she will be good. Not like the poor Yellow Tulip.

Enjoy the new event, enjoy the feast!