Quote Originally Posted by Kurenai View Post
A month later......

I'm not going to explain my absence in full detail this time, but long story short, I stayed away vaguely because of this. To be honest, I really wanted to have a word with y'all, but it would have only amounted to a wall of text I could always avoid and might have done more harm than good (that, and everybody had moved on), so I ultimately decided against it.

I needed a nice, long breather.

P.S. It will take me a while to go through everything I missed here though.
Hahahaha!!! Kurenai is finally gone for good! There is no sign that he is coming back with his long absence! Finally, I can claim sole ownership of Red Ginger as MY WAIFU and MINE ALONE!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

Oh? What's this? A new post. Let's see...

Awwwww shi-Welcome back Kurenai!!!