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  1. #6391

    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    I admit my mistake on that. Just feel real salty and let emotions get better. That was the most childish to do once I calmed down and think.

    Don't worry, I won't come here much anymore. At least for a year. With tests around the corner every week and countless assignments the shitty gacha luck is the last thing I want to care now.

    Not to mention, my luck always jump between games anyway.
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-screenshot_2018-09-06-07-45-35-09.jpg

  2. #6392
    Quote Originally Posted by Kurenai View Post
    A month later......

    I'm not going to explain my absence in full detail this time, but long story short, I stayed away vaguely because of this. To be honest, I really wanted to have a word with y'all, but it would have only amounted to a wall of text I could always avoid and might have done more harm than good (that, and everybody had moved on), so I ultimately decided against it.

    I needed a nice, long breather.

    P.S. It will take me a while to go through everything I missed here though.
    Hahahaha!!! Kurenai is finally gone for good! There is no sign that he is coming back with his long absence! Finally, I can claim sole ownership of Red Ginger as MY WAIFU and MINE ALONE!!! MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

    Oh? What's this? A new post. Let's see...

    Awwwww shi-Welcome back Kurenai!!!
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  3. #6393

    Join Date
    May 2016
    My usual "words of wisdom" rant.

    Don't feel bad about it game. Can't help it. When someone flings their luck in front of your face for long enough, while you swim in shit the depression accumulates and grows into resentment.
    The important thing is to differentiate between those feelings and knowing that its purely situational thing that will pass away once you get a bit of luck yourself, and also for the other party to not make a big deal out of it, as this happens to EVERYONE eventually, and that those feelings are not personal and directed towards the person directly rather towards the game medium and the overall state of the situation.

    I am guilty off this too, but that doesn't mean I am gonna make excuses or alternatively humble myself into the ground. It is what it is.
    Shit happens, shit explodes, shit gets resolved and as long as everyone takes it with a grain of salt and doesn't take things personally, shit will settle down and once calm things continue just like before. Normal people don't wanna be offensive to others nor wanna keep taking offense. We are social creatures and for the most part we want to get along.

    I mean its the same thing like with people who need their morning coffee, or chocolate, or drink after work. This game is technically gambling and it scratches that particular itch subconsciously. And if you don't get your "shot" of whatever it is that scratches your itch (like the examples I just mentioned) the withdrawal symptoms start to slowly accumulate. Add to that the disappointment, and jealousy which is normal human emotion (not a good one, but it is the same for everyone regardless) and it brews into a rather ugly cocktail.
    Once over and poured into the drain, you´ll just have to say your piece, to let the other party know there were no hard feelings, shake hands and keep on moving. That's how we do it.

    Aaanyway.... *lights an imaginary mofu cigar* enough of the serious talk, here take this nice artwork to freshen up the air
    Violet and Viola (are those two actually sisters ?) on the first one, Anewaifu second one, Mint, and... Boy! ehmm I mean Tree of 1K

    Nice, enough waifu makes good laifu :3

    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-39261823_2363851226960179_2843655000087855104_n.jpg [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-40547336_10209892503548012_246085485573701632_n.jpg [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-40914364_10209918842486469_4312563746946940928_n.jpg [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-40765076_1659509774177307_549422528720797696_n.png
    Last edited by Myrdin; 09-06-2018 at 02:27 AM.

  4. #6394

    Join Date
    Feb 2017
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    Hello everyone it's been a while since my last visit.
    Don't know how long.

    Nothing bad happen to me, I just accidentally got new job.
    So I have to do this-that-those to prepare myself.
    But the main reason I gone for long from HBC is my co-workers.
    They very nice... actually most of them have similar hobby like me.
    Playing games, like football, watch western series and eastern anime blah blah.
    So I just let my free time occupy by them.

    See you. Stay safe everyone.

  5. #6395

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    It's great to meet new people that share your interests.
    Good luck with that.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  6. #6396
    Yeah, it's nice they share your interests. The closest I have at my workplace is some people like fantasy football... that's kind of like gaming. A little. Maybe.

  7. #6397
    With the 2 SP tickets dropping from the login campaign, who did you all use them for? I'm not only curious but take enjoyment in seeing the happiness of others get to choose the girl they've wanted for whatever reason they have. I was excited to see that these tickets were not limited and basically gave you the chance to get pretty much any gacha girl over FKG's lifespan. Here are the two I went for automatically!

    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-kunoichiwaifu.jpg
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-bunnyballoonwaifu.jpg

    These a 2 lovely ladies I frustratingly could not obtain through their respective gachas when they were happening. As a ninja, of course I want my kunoichi waifu! I mean come on! She has the whole aesthetic going to really grab my attention. Or she can do it with that sickle chain she has. Either way, I was hooked when I first saw her!

    I know many people aren't a fan of her big round boobs, but I honestly have always liked Balloon-chan's overall design. She's very cute with her long braided ponytail and smile. Even her unusual eyes are attractive. And yes, her bombshell figure is very nice. While there are many others I wouldn't hunt down their alternate versions for, there are certainly a few I would and Balloon Vine is one of them!

    So yeah! I am very happy to get these 2 after having missed out on them!
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  8. #6398

    Join Date
    Sep 2016
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    Nice choice Ninja. Bunny Balloon-chan is really cool and she is a good Crit 5*.

    I used my first SP stone for Winter Cosmos:

    I planned to try her on the reissue gacha. Thanks to the stone, I can save more FG for a next gacha.
    She is cute, she reminds me Shiro-chan and she has a nice ability set.

    I haven't used the second one yet because I got EasterEvening Primrose just before the stones with saltickets. And there is no more 5* I really REALLY want and need. Most of the lasts girls I want are from 2015 (and I still have 3 2015 stones) and I will not use them anyway because I already have too much gold (I can't even use my new rainbows because there is no 5* I can or want to replace...).
    I will keep it a bit. Maybe if there is a good 6* promotion or until I ran out of interesting girls to level up.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  9. #6399

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    I'm still sticking to my strategy of stocking everything until the discounted gacha comes around.
    So far I'm sitting on 1826 FGs, 2 2015 seal stones and these two recent SP tickets.
    Can't wait to go on a spree once the time for it comes.

    By the way, what's everyone's ingame activity for when there's nothing event-like left to do?
    In my case I still run 12-5, since that seems to have the best efficiency, even taking account the exp maps added some time ago.
    It's also one of the least stamina expensive ways to get ampies with a bit of luck.
    Last edited by Volarmis; 09-09-2018 at 05:43 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #6400

    Join Date
    May 2016
    I used the second ticket for Sherry Bride version.
    I do like this 5 star reskin of hers much more then the original 6 star version.
    For me its all about collecting and picking up the girls I fancy even if just for their looks, regardless of if they are of use to me or not.

    For downtime I run WS, special maps, equipment shards or some other utility map. With the level I have there ís no real reason to chase exp aggressively. Currently I am on vacation with limited internet access and should be returning during the salttickets weekend pull, so my activity here will be less then usual.

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