This is just ... lol

The amount of Rainbows I have pulled in the pre-reg gacha for Girls Symphony is just ridiculous

I was lucky (and very very gratefull) to get the one girl I was aiming for (the violin machine gun chan), but still Lady Luck as if to mock me... or maybe Bless me and tell me she aint forgot about me ? Who knows... anyhow, here are some stats:

1 Got a Rainbow on my second day of pulling.
2 Got a dupe of that girl on the 4th day
3 Got the violin machine gun chan from the same batch of 5 pulls as the dupe. It was actually the very next pull after the dupe
4 Got another rainbow about a week after
6 Got yet another one, one of the latest additions to the gacha pool just few moments ago when doing my daily pulls just to help increase the overall number of pre-reg pulls, and just for fun to see if I can fish out another Rainbow, since I already got the girl I wanted.

I mean.....
If only we could have kept 3 girls instead of just one (like Senpro pre-reg allowed to)
Wish some of this luck translates to the actual ingame gacha for GS, and honestly wouldnt mind some of it leaking into my FKG account as well.

Just thought I´d share a funny story of a luckily unlucky sob (coz yeah I was lucky, but the unlucky part was, that from those 5 I got to keep only one of em). But lets see how the salt tickets turn out mof mof :3