I mentioned not having enough to trade for Kugaisou (the free rainbow), but after doing the math, I won't have to wait that long to have 9000 flower stones, apparently. I should be able to get her by next week.

That said, it's insane (and nice to see) how new players have much more opportunities for these free rainbows nowadays compared to how I began almost 2 years ago. We went from hoping for one from the 7th day Newbie Ticket and Leader Ticket, to earning Rainbow Medals for one (though it was more intended for the whales for a while before they eventually became obtainable thru the gacha), to Colchicum + another rainbow at the time of pre-reg, to improved rates of the newest rainbows (even offering one rainbow, Cowslip, as a "mercy" bonus once), to Kugaisou. Given how it's so easy to earn up to 40000 flower stones after the first month (which I did), it's basically a no-brainer for today's newbies to get her for a kickstart. Then there's rarity promotion on top of all that.

Quote Originally Posted by Volarmis View Post
I guess the Christmas cards will be once again available in game sooner than later, so I'll be making a new thread for those.
Oooh, looking forward to that!

My Sexy Santa Ginger is here!

Artist: @hihiirokane_m (https://twitter.com/hihiirokane_m/st...60134144790528)