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  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Agree on the unnecessary panty shot.
    Who ever designed that thought "hue hue hue some fan service good good squeek", but considering her overall esthetics and both pre bloom forms, its absolutely unfitting. And it looks dumm to boot as it doesn't even qualify as a bathrobe wear with all those frills and nick nacks.

    I vaguely remember the 3K 200 RC gacha, but I cant recollect whether I went for it or not. I have a feeling I did, but since I did not use those coins yet thus mentally attaching that gacha with a specific girl being exchanged, that might be the cause for my vague memory of it.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Sep 2016
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    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-nidhoggasskicked-55647e2.jpg
    Nidhogg's ass: kicked. Ume+Sakura are harder.
    Okay maybe I cheated a bit by using promoted PinkLadies andpromoted Camelia. They are slightly a bit too strong.

    New promoted girls are. Yes. They just are.
    Night Phlox, Balloon Vine and Gaillardia. All of them are just meh. Nothing really interesting or exciting.

    Balloon Vine is trash (sorry Ballon Vine, I stilllike your bunny version) with ATK based on speed without speed boost. Skill Rate, Skill damages andATK buff are not that bad but there is SO MUCH better 6* with this kind of stuff...

    Night Phlox is a classic Evade girl with meh abilities (because Evade is too stong, I guess...) and a random Solar Blast bosst with no other Solar Blast stuff. She could be nice if Evade was still a broken team archetype.

    Gaillardia is the less bad girl. Classic Super Counter+DEF buff with some offensive abilities with great AtK buff against bosses. Damage buff would be better but why not. Not awesome, not a must have but not bad compared to the recent 6* (I mean regular 6*, not PinkLadies and the Aibika Saffron clone)

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

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