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  1. #11

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Didnt check in for few days. Starting with the Gacha thread was a mistake. Ninjax getting ultra lucky again, ah well, gratz :P
    *shovels out the salt to melt some ice*

    Wutan is back, yai ! I knew you wont stay dead for long. You damn undead always come back ! XD

    Kurenai - there is one more thing I noticed that seems like a new mechanic but I aint sure. When you open you character roster on one of the tabs, lets say the upgrade tab, you can notice that each girl has a tiny gem in the bottom right corner of her screen.
    At first I thought that its just the marking of each type, but then you notice that its not consistent, for example all pierce girls dont have green gems, some have red/orange some have different colors, etc.
    Any idea what is that thing ?

    Also new face: Welcome !
    It is wise of you to come to this side ! The Great Mofu blessing is bestowed upon all who see the greatness of DMM !
    Mofu~fu~fu :3

    *I was holding on to my gems for the 55x thing should it pop again, but that 1% rainbow chance hmm... I mean 1% is still weak sauce, but better than 0.5 so... Hmm might give it a single roll to see.

    The girls dont really intrigue me that much. Night Phlox is cute and all but... meh ?

    EDIT: I almost forgot > Vivaldy is very solid, and the cookie hack still works with it.
    There is only one thing that pisses me off, and that is the manual confirmation of Flashplayer starting. Every time I launch the game I have to manually confirm for the browser to allow it. I tried looking up how to make it automatic but couldn't really find anything. Otherwise it wont load. Its getting very old really fast.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 12-11-2018 at 04:10 AM.

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