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  1. #6761

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    Well it's a good thing it was released. I remember immediately regretting my decision to buy that 'Get all 100 Event Knights with one purchase' deal because I thought I had filled my inventory.
    DMM Flower Knight Girl | Name: Myers | ID: 152744586 [133/145]

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  2. #6762

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    For the record - DMM recompensated everyone the FGs they put into expanding their storage as the developers made this change.
    Name: Volarmis
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  3. #6763

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    We passed the 100th event on the game now. That's a lot of event and a lot of event girl. So, I have a question...
    Who are your favorite event girls? And who are the ones you don't like at all?

    You don't need to give a specific mumber of girls. Just the ones you like or not and why. Also, Azalea Newcomer count as event girl.

    Favorites event girls (with no particular order):

    Mountain Lily. For me she is the best Counter event girl and the best event girl before promotion.

    Tatchibana. My first event girl ever and that's why I like her. I regret she is so bad all the time. Bad bloom form, bad promoted form with that damn skill act x1.2 on 3rd turn. Why? Why they don't gave her a normal x1.2 skill act based on affection like Moonflower?

    Geranium. I don't like her giant boobs and her evolved form but for some reasons she is one of my favorite event girls for a long time. I think I love her because she was the first event girl with x1.2 skill act (and one of the first 5* with that anyway). Despite her two big flaws, she has a nice design. And I like her flower anyway.

    Hypericum. Favorite Ninja-loli. She is cute, funny and full of life. And she helps a lot in battle.

    Holly. How can I don't like Holly? She is the best. Maybe my all time favorite event girl. She is cute, cute and cute. Above all, she got a good regular 5* version that make her usable in battles. Really nice. And obviously, I love her becuse I love how she shake her booty.

    Spring Star. I dont like her commander issue at all but she has a so lovely art <3

    Rainbow Rose. I can't make a favorite event girl list without Rainbow Rose. I like the idea, I like her design, I like how good she is after promotion and I like her event.

    Zebrina. She has a nice and strong look. For me, she is one of the best event girls in the game with a strong self buff. And I really like her flower. I want a better 5* version of her because she deserve it.

    Now, my less loved girls. Sorry girls.

    Fatsia. I don't know why but I don't like her design at all. she is too meh. The typical event girl. The one you don't event care about for no reasons.

    Japanese Mugwort. I never like her. She has a nice evolved and bloomed art and she is from Mint's artist (and I like Mint a lot) but... I just can't like her. I think there is something with her face.

    Elder Flower. She looks so high on drugs... that's disturbing. She looks nice and she has a lovely evolved artwork but... thoses eyes... I just can't.

    Easter Lily. I think her design is too simple. Too white. She really lack of something. Even some 2* looks less meh than her.

    Cypress Vine. I don't like her for a simple reason. Her promoted form is too good for what she is. She looks like a totally meh and forgottable loli but she got one of the best promoted form recently. Why she looks like that? Why she can't be a good looking event girl like a lot of other ones?

    And that's all. I guess. Now, who are your's?

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  4. #6764

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    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    We passed the 100th event on the game now. That's a lot of event and a lot of event girl. So, I have a question...
    Who are your favorite event girls? And who are the ones you don't like at all?
    I'll share my favorites, though I'll leave out ones not released on Nutaku's version so far since I don't really know 'em. Also, my list is only taking into consideration two things: appearance and maybe personality. I don't care about stats/skills/abilities for Event girls since I've never used almost all of them.

    1. Eucharis [Base Skin] - Honestly, she'd be first for just her appearance alone. I guess it’s a mix of her clothes, her proportions, and her expression. Also, her sprite is super cute. She's just so animated!:

    I also think she'd be way more popular if it wasn't for the fact that she got released in the same event as the Shrine Maidens who kinda overshadowed her.

    2. False Hydrangea [Base Skin] - Again, it's her appearance. Not a particular fan of twin tails, but she just looks so cute (though I’ve heard that she looks kinda pregnant because of her poofy dress, but I don’t think it’s that prominent). Also, cute sprite:

    Her first and second H Scenes are also some my of favorite in the entire game (especially the second one).

    3. Treasure Flower/Gazania [Both Skins] - She’s the only Moneti girl that’s an event unit. Legit all of Moneti’s girls are my absolute favorite in the game in terms of appearance, design, and H Scenes. She’s also the very first event girl that I got because I started my first account during her event.

    4. Anemone Flaccida/Flaccid Anemone [Both Skins] - I guess it her design. Her clothes, her proportions, and her pose just looks really attractive.

    Least Favorites:
    There's actually quite a lot that I don't care for, so I'm not going to bother listing all of them. Honestly, it mostly just the lolis.

    EDIT: Woops, forget to put DMM names.
    Last edited by Myers; 12-16-2018 at 06:54 PM.
    DMM Flower Knight Girl | Name: Myers | ID: 152744586 [133/145]

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  5. #6765

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    Ohh my favourite Event Girl...hmm...Rainbow Rose, Rainbow Rose, Rainbow Rose, Rainbow Rose, Rainbow Rose, Rainbow Rose.............................

    Did i already mention Rainbow Rose???

    On a more serious note lets start with other Event Girls i also very much like:

    Mountain Lily:
    One of the best Event Girls gameplay wise. Easy to include in a dedicated Counter Squad.

    Once upon a time she was a really nice unit for niche Events where it was basically mandatory to have a girl who ignores speed-altering panels. Since then she has fallen a little bit out of favour but i still have found memories of her performance in the past. I also quite like her design.

    Black Locust:
    I always liked her Artwork. Reminds me of Esdeath from Akame Ga Kill! She has good H-Scenes and her Promotion Gains are quite respectable and will make her an awesome Crit Unit.

    Treasure Flower:
    Like many others i am a big fan of Moneti Girls

    Fullmoon Maple:
    Of course she is on my list of favourite Event Girls. She looks similar to Maple and her Background is quite interesting.

    Flaccid Anemone:
    Yeah she is hot. That's it.

    Winter Cherry:
    Recently I put her on the list. She has a more serious attitude and it kinda looks like she trains a lot. I like that dedication. She also looks nice.

    And last but not least Rainbow Rose:
    Why do i like her so much? Well she has one of the strongest if not the strongest Promotion up to date. My Rainbow Rose has 5 Skill Level, 4 Equipment Slots, she is fully amphied and an absolute beast. She works well in dedicated Crit Squads and also makes an excellent teammate for Kerria.

    Girls i don't like:

    There are a lot of Event Girls i don't really care for. Like a lot of Lolis (there are exceptions).

    A girl i don't like is Calla. Her design is quite boring and she is a weak Unit. She might be even weaker than some 4 stars if i remember correctly. It's quite a long time since i paid attention to her.
    Last edited by Wutan; 12-16-2018 at 07:00 PM.

    DMM FKG ID: 986648592
    Name: Wutan

  6. #6766
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    We passed the 100th event on the game now. That's a lot of event and a lot of event girl. So, I have a question...
    Who are your favorite event girls? And who are the ones you don't like at all?
    In no specific order of favorites (actually old to newest since I am going down the Wiki list) and these are largely based on aesthetics more than abilities or stats:

    Favorite Event Waifus! Marry me!

    1) Moon Vine - Dark skinned OPPAI cutey with a gun! One of the earliest and simply incredible. Her form in her bloomed artwork is divine to where I have to stop and appreciate her when she comes up as one of my secretaries. I mean come on! Look and even you have to admit those tits are goddess tier in size and shape! Oddly, that epic size and shape didn't translate into her 2nd sex scene as they appeared smaller than they should be. Have to fault the artist for that unfortunately.

    2) Southern Cross - I don't know what it is but the whole white ensemble with the cape just gives off this majestic knight feeling to her. I frankly find it beautiful! If not for another contender, I would without a doubt call her the White Knight of FKG.

    3) Canna - She gives this genuine Japanese festival feeling to me in all her busty tomboyish glory. I found it very appealing and endearing. Also like her feisty attitude.

    4) Black Locust - The other White Knight contender, albeit her other forms go more green than white. But she has this awesome military aire about her with her basic form's uniform. A commanding presence that is beautiful and arousing to behold.

    5) Sourwood - By far one of the leading contenders for my favorite event girl overall. She triggers my crush of Ikki Tousen's Kanu immediately with her looks. Her weapon of choice is badass. And overall she is a breathtaking beauty to behold with a tall elegant form and some mouth-watering large breasts barely contained by skimpy clothing. She is one of the few that just became more incredible to see with each form!

    6) Russelia - While kind of a disappointment in some of her animations, there is still no denying that she is one of a kind with her looks and weapon of choice because you really don't see any other girl like her. She's clearly a beautiful, busty redhead with a fiery spirit. Love it!

    7) Belladonna - Like a reverse Romeo with her outfit, she has an elegant aire about her clothing from that romantic era that is very charming. Plus, you have to appreciate a beautiful woman who can make pants like the ones she wears work that well!

    8) Gazania - YAARRR!! Pirate girls be sexy! Simple fact that is universal. I want to plunder dat booty!!!

    9) Eucharis - A standout from all the rest with her design largely because of the color. But you don't often even see that color design in anime. I don't know why because I found it to be bright and beautiful. It also helps that she has a gorgeous figure and is cute as heck!

    10) Lamb's Ear - The sleeper out of all the girls. When I first saw her, I didn't really like her. Her design did not allude to much. In fact, I thought she was a loli at first. But then you see her evolved forms and damn it if I wasn't very wrong. And her sex scene showcases an ass and tits that out amazing to behold while her voice actress gives an amazing performance with a bleating sheep-like "Meeeeh" that is cute yet oddly arousing when she orgasms. Every aspect of the character I thought could be underwhelming, the devs made amazing in the end.

    11) Flaccid Anemone - What can I say other than: Girls in uniform. My first event girl when I abandoned Nutaku and she was a beauty to behold and had some awesome animations. Liked her from the very start.

    12) Lobelia - One of my favorite erotic genres in doujins/hentai is the hot ass teacher! They nailed it with her bombastic figure with great ass and tits, but also the cute glasses and pretty hair done up into a bun. Man how I would love to stay after school for some extracurricular activities with her! Teach me everything sensei!!!

    13) Coleus - I don't know what it is about her, but despite what some may call an average demure girl in appearance, I find her charming and attractive. I guess it's like a "girl next door" kind of attraction. Being oppai helps too!

    14) Pea - Dual sword wielding beauty? I'm in! Plus the way they drew her breastplate just makes it more tantalizing to the oppai glory waiting to be unleash beneath. Like opening a grand present!

    15) Adenium - I know quite a few didn't like her design, but frankly I can't help but find her one of the most beautifully designed of the event girls. The tattered cape, flared pantlegs, and overall design gives a cool 3 Musketeers vibe to her. She's also a busty beauty with unique hair coloring. Just love her!

    16) Rainbow Rose - I don't know how, but they managed to make a rainbow themed girl look actually very good and attractive instead of terrible. Speaking of terrible like this incoming joke... Yes, with her, I DO want to TASTE the rainbow!

    17) Winter Cherry - That yellow flair to her hair just adds to the overall cuteness to her design. I like how bright and exotic her color scheme is. Another oppai beauty to behold.

    Least Fav Event Girls

    1) Every Single Loli - No joke. I know Asian women can appear very young despite their age, but I don't care for lolis. This because often times they are portrayed as tiny little girls. The only tolerable ones are the ones with big tits that clearly aren't normal, as if part of the anime trope of being a late developer or hundreds of years old. We all embellish fantasies that aren't real, but for me.... Depicting such youth especially in a erotic game?... Just no! An immediate turn off for me. Get the fuck out with that shit and give me a WOMAN!

    2) Calla - Her design is just so awkward to me. Every single form she has, it just doesn't flow all that well and affects the overall attractiveness of her.

    3) Gaillairdia - This one is barely on here for one reason only: her bloomed artwork. An overall fun character with a sexy erotic scene showing an ass to die for.... suddenly became a pom-pom wielding anorexic cheerleader. With those ribs sticking out, I would be scrambling to get the poor girl a damn sandwich! I don't know what the heck was going through the artist's mind, but her bloomed form is a complete fail. From her nauseating anorexic body to almost cartoonish "derp" facial expression, it is such a disappointment. Out of all the event girls, this one's bloomed artwork deserves a do-over the most. Otherwise she's a great girl and I keep it on her 2nd form's art.

    4) Fatsia - Dull, bored expression wearing the tired old Japanese girl school uniform trope is exactly that: boring. Just not a very interesting girl.

    5) Primula - It may just be me, but she looks like the "insert generic anime girl" in any anime or game. Generic in overall design that doesn't really seem all the great to be honest.

    6) Lamium - The idea of a belly-dancer is fantastic! But, and I can't believe I am actually going to say this, she is TOO OPPAI! Her tits ruin the flow of her outfit. Other girls like Geranium had huge breasts as well, but their clothing designs for the most part work well with that size. And an oppai belly-dancer is fine, but these jugs are just far too big that they detract from her clothing. Had they scaled back on those monstrosities a bit, she might very well be on my favs list instead of this one.

    7) Showy Lily - You done fucked it up! I know I already threw all the lolis under the bus, but this one deserves a special place on this list. I've been waiting for so damn long for FKG to give us another glorious dark-skinned oppai woman to join the heavenly goddess ranks of beauty with Red Ginger, Thoroughwort, Moon Vine, Zephyranthus, Kurenai and Gladiolus.... and you give us this flat-chested, crossed-eyed derp faced atrocity?! You have no idea the depths of my disappointment in this....

    And that is my list of favs and not favs!
    Last edited by ShadwNinjaX; 12-16-2018 at 07:58 PM.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

  7. #6767

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    im very, very tempted to buy Dogwood with the winter exchange ticket right now

    I also only noticed now they added automatic optimal routing for the current event's treasure rally
    Last edited by smr; 12-17-2018 at 02:35 AM.

  8. #6768

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  9. #6769

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    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    We passed the 100th event on the game now. That's a lot of event and a lot of event girl. So, I have a question...
    Who are your favorite event girls? And who are the ones you don't like at all?
    Hoo boy, let's open the event list, prepare for a long one and go chronologically...
    I'll be considering them mainly for their character and aesthetics in my preferred evolution stage, unless she has one that makes her an "out".

    The ones that positively stand out for me:

    1) Tachibana - It was also my very first event girl on Nutaku, at a time I wasn't even strong enough to get her fully unlocked (and when stage medal-based events were still a thing). Visually speaking, I'm glad there's a girl who shows that adult women don't need to be busty to be cute, which seems to be an annoying trend for such games. Plus, her weapon is fairly unique.

    2) Leschenaultia - Her appearance may not stand out, but I like how she can wear a full-length frilly skirt and look neat in it. She is also unique in the fact that she actually has doubts whether pests are all that evil and likes drawing them. Her special attack also looks good.

    3) Hypericum - A clumsy ninja that tends to sneeze at exactly the wrong moments, tries to turn everything into a jutsu and has a running animation where she trips over a banana peal. The smile-inducing factor is strong in this one.

    4) Canna - She's an earnest worker that knows the value of money with lots of energy, a Kansai accent and gives off a feeling of a Japanese festival.

    5) Dipladenia - Even after being hurt emotionally by a lot of men, it's really heartwarming to see her put her trust in the Commander and finally learn what love is actually about. She has a showy outfit, but it's not vulgar which is a plus and she has an unusual weapon with a good special attack animation.

    6) Mirabilis / Four'o'clock - Even though she tends to underestimate herself, in Commander's company she gains some self-confidence. As far as I know, she's the only girl with heterochromia (different eye colors) in the game.

    7) Robinia / Black Locust - She's one of the most elegant event girls I can remember ingame. It's nice to hear how passionately talks about music.

    8) Sandersonia - She has the most sensitive sense of hearing out of all the flower knights and I find it cute how she says that she likes the Commander's voice or the sound of his footsteps or heartbeat. She has a colorful outfit, that (other than in the 2nd form) looks fitting to her hobby of singing and ringing the bells, which can also be seen in her expression while using her special attack.

    9) Holly - She has a cute holiday-themed outfit, without going over-the-top. It may be a detail, but I can't really remember other flower knight designs where the dominant color is brown, maybe other than Snapdragon. In character, I find it unique how she doesn't want to show her true feelings, hiding them away and having a conformistic way of dealing with others, except for her best friend Poinsettia and, in time, the Commander, both of whom are trying to teach her to trust others more. Other than that, she likes to dance in her idle and victory animations.

    10) Buttercup / Ranunculus - She seems to be plain, but I think that may be her strong point. I like her "female knight" look - simple clothes with armor elements. Character-wise she can take care of others and has enough energy to keep up with her best friend - Delphinium, despite admitting she's not the sharpest tool in the shed.

    11) Russelia - That giant book she wields as a weapon really makes her stand out. I also like her hairstyle - it really fits the term "fiery". It's also nice to hear her talk about her hobby, traveling.

    12) Belladonna - It seems to be heavily implied she is a vampire, even though she herself denies it. It's not stopping her from having a almost hypnotic influence on everyone, including the Commander. One more elegant event girl, who wields a gun and shadows, cementing her similarities to vampires even more.

    13) Gazania - As, it turns out, we all agree, she gives off a really nice pirate vibe. She serves as the navigator for Water Hyacinth's pirate crew and even if she's loyal to her, bordering on love, she also lets the Commander into her heart and isn't following anyone blindly.

    14) Ficaria / Lesser Celandine - Her looks are based on Japanese celestial beings, what with her furisode (if I'm not mistaken) and the floating hagoromo. I like that even though she starts of being shy and dependent on Serissa, she makes an active effort to be more confident and outgoing.

    15) Trailing Abutilon - Matching a bit with Tachibana, she is another woman with short hair and without an absurd bust size that simply looks cute. She has an amusing character trait where she tries to predict what will happen next, which she often uses to guess what the Commander is about to say, showing a bit what she wishes to hear.

    16) Lamb's Ear - In her first evolution stage, she has one of the most fitting winter outfits out of all the flower knights I currently remember. Her sheep based design is cute and her special attack looks oddly fitting and amusing. She tends to over-analyze when the Commander treats her nicely, but when caught she stubbornly says she isn't having any improper thoughts.

    17) Asian Bleeding Heart - One of the few flower knights who actually has a bit of story behind her. She used to date her previous Commander, up until he sacrificed himself to save her from a sneak pest attack when she called him to confess. After that, she decided not to voice her wishes anymore, fearing it will bring bad luck to someone else. Her appearance looks a bit unhappy, which fits the story. After some time she decides to trust the Commander and once again express her wishes. Other than that, she has a unique weapon (a fishing rod) and a little sister that is crazy about her.

    18) Curry Plant - Her first evolution form has a nice boyish look ad she uses eating utensils as a weapon, which I haven't seen in anything since Toriko.

    19) Sweet William - She's an actress who's usually given the role of the prince, which shows also fits all the grandeur with which she usually acts and speaks. Looking at her evolutionary stages, it can be seen how she is trying to appear more womanly under the influence of the Commander.

    20) Spring Star - She really stands out, even among the girls with a bigger backstory to them. Initially she tries to kill the Commander, blaming him for the death of her parents because of a pest that slipped through an extermination. In order to get under his command she trained really hard. She begins to have mixed feelings about it after getting to know the Commander and seeing how he's really like. After it turns out that the one responsible for the failed subjugation was a different commander, she gives up on her revenge and decides to stay with the Commander, atoning for what she was trying to do, which can be seen in her alternative 5* form. Her appearance seems to bit apathetic, matching the story and showing the contrast with her true feelings in the end.

    21. Azalea - I like her for the fact that we actually got to know her before she became a flower knight, in a story where she needed to show big determination to win against the pests she eventually ran across. I also have a bit of a story with her name, as I was translating the first comic she appeared in and her English name was not mentioned anywhere. The direct translation showed that she should be named Rhododendron, but Nutaku already used that name for a different flower knight. The second best choice was Azalea, which I used in the comic and it turned out I was right, which made me feel a bit like I was the one who named her.

    22. Adenium - She has a cool, hero-like appearance, which also matches how the kids of the ingame world see her. She is always trying to live up to those expectations, while actually having some different thoughts of her own.

    23. Rainbow Rose - While I don't remember much of her story, she deserves her credits for being possibly the only flower knight who's based on a flower that was the result of a human experiment. Interestingly enough, she has her own meaning in the flower language. Her design is really colorful without going overboard which is also a big plus.

    Whew, that about does it for the plus side. There are a few other ones that I like among the less noticeable ones, but they are more "OK" than "standing out".

    I can't really say I dislike any of the flower knights. There are however those that despite having good points to them, also have some specific characteristics which would make me not delegate them as vice-commanders.

    My least favorite event flower knights:

    1) Lavender - As much as I like her visually and could even get behind a yandere girl, I can't approve of her always snapping when the Commander pays attention to other girls.

    2) Mountain Lily - Despite her popularity here, I need to put her on this side of the list. The thing I don't like about her is her blind faith, bordering on fanaticism, in everything that Casablanca does/says, even to the point of scaling a mountain in Winter Rose in her usual clothes under the guise of training.

    3) Moon Vine - For me, she's the poster child of mismatched looks and voice in this game.

    4) Geranium - Quite obviously, her bust simply looks way too large for her stature. A bit of a pity, because I generally like her character and how she insists on being Fritillaria's friend and constantly reminding her of that.

    5) Southern Cross - She has only one glaring minus for me - her second form is the single greatest example of why losing clothes on evolution is a bad trend and should not be continued.

    6) Calla - She's the first event girl whose clothes or pose accent her breasts in a weird way. In her case it looks like her clothes were designed as if being parted with the shoulder strap of a bag, if you get what I mean.

    7) Gaillardia - Her final evolution is simply a foul. Even for a cheerleader her clothes are way too skimpy and she has visible markings on her skin (I'm not fond of tattoos).

    8) Oxydendrum / Sourwood - The second girl with the same flaw as Calla. Additionally, I think her 3rd form could use more cloth area on her clothes.

    9) Fatsia - Once again, a repeat of Calla.

    10) Artemisia / Japanese Mugwort - And one more repeat of Calla. Plus, I'm not sure on how to feel about the way she speaks.

    11) Butterfly Bush - The one thing that stands out for her is the way she laughs, which I can't say I'm a fan of.

    12) Japanese Glory Bower - Her clothes are way too loose for what she has to fill them out in her 2nd form.

    13) Asian Rice - I think it's a questionable design of clothes for a priestess to have only the top part of her breasts covered.

    Last edited by Volarmis; 12-18-2018 at 12:52 AM.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  10. #6770

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    Quote Originally Posted by Volarmis View Post
    Moon Vine - For me, she's the poster child of mismatched looks and voice in this game.
    I couldn't agree more! I love her appearance, it's one of my favorite of all event girls, but her voice is probably my least favorite in the game for the sole reason that it feels the most mismatched. I definitely expected a much more mature from her.
    DMM Flower Knight Girl | Name: Myers | ID: 152744586 [133/145]

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