So, wehave new promotionable girls since yesterday. Obviously, no Money Tree or Pink Miko for me

Wood Sorrel/Oxalis:
She is an interesting kind of girl. She got Counter and 60% react. And that's pretty good on her. +30% DEf for all and Counter (with Super Counter) works well and her 60% react + skill act + life steal give her a longer life. Team her with girls like Saffron with provocation and she can make a really good job.

Apple of Sodom:
A bit less interesting but not bad at all as support. She got a strong skill act ability + negate damages. Her ATK buff are not awesome but welcomed. A good support for offensive teams.

Japanese Gentian:
Well. Another Kerria clone but a bit different. She got Skill reduction instead of defense buff. Not bad at all sinc she is a Kerria clone but not as good as Kerria or Pinkladies Maiden. Not a good choice unless you want to make a full Kerria clone team since she cost more than Pinkladies and Water Lily. And Water Liy is really easy to get with 15' stones on the whale medal shop.

For the new bloomed artworks, Easter Cactus is wonderful.