Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
*Cough, cough > there is a thread specifically designed to help you with the choices when picking future girls.
I have to update the new girls yet, but all the girls -2 months (last 4-5 events) are in. The rest I have already in draft mode, just need to find the time to input them on the board, at least as far as 6* go. Completely lost track of the Promo girls and dont have the time to start sifting through them sigh...
Check my Sig for "Knights Quarters".
Yes and so sorry Myrdin, was aware of your (awesome) thread, but was a bit lazy, and wanted to stir up some conversations here as well. Onci is quite good, and seems like you guys agree as well. Then I shall go ahead and try to pull her then with my hoard of gems. Just hope I don't blow it all away, depending on how lady luck feels. Also Onci being blue blunt is "LOL", but I'm always short of blue units so any and all will be welcome.

And wow 40 gems, the devs. strike again! No complaints here.