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  1. #11
    Quote Originally Posted by Ghostmon View Post
    Myrdin: Lol! Yup, I've been cross referencing your thread with the FKG wiki while jotting down my own notes on excel, it's been really helpful. And that's why I also wanted to see some OP videos ppl 1 hit K.O.'ing Nushi and other bosses; you know how it is sometimes, an idea works on paper but maybe not in execution. Those videos by EpicFail really helped too, crazy MF'ers w/ their insane crit teams and such.

    So the Sotchbroom +15% react DOES stack w/ existing react girls, damn that's pretty OP, I will look into it. But for now, looks like w/ my RC's, I will claim my Cactus and fatten her up with some ampules and see how that goes hehehe...
    Cactus is a great candidate for sure, she has good abilities along with a higher than average skill activation chance. Lv 5 skill puts her at 46% activation rate, which is around 10% higher than your usual 6* girl.

    While Scotchbroom's +15% act chance for the whole party sound OP and great, you're still playing with RNG at the end of the day. I do admit that it's fairly amusing to see it proc from time to time in ways such as pushing Crystal Room damage to over 3M, but it's still not reliable. It's best to stick with damage buffs or +weakness buffs for more consistent results.

    Generally for crit parties, the girls involved often lack damage multipliers like Skill Damage and Boss Damage (And of course, weakness multiplier). So it's recommended to fill in that gap that once you have reach 80% Crit activation rate for that party, rather than over saturate the setup with more Crit Damage buffs.

    Good example of such "buffer" (Yeah, I know that sounds wrong to call your girls that) are girls like NY Edelweiss, Lotus Bride, RG Elm, Purple Columbine. and many more.
    Of course, it's a waifu game after all so picking girls you like is more recommended.

    For instance, pushing RR's to maximum damage potential is actually not in a full critical setup. The gif below is RR doing 2.2m on 1 RB point, credits to some user on wiki.
    Still can't post direct links lol...

    Quote Originally Posted by Myers View Post
    Hey guys, so I got done fully ampying Lycoris Miko a while ago and now almost have 100 of each ampy to max a second six star. I'm choosing between:

    "URL's here "

    Is there any one of them that is particularly strong overall, or are they all pretty much comparable? Synergy with my other six stars isn't important right now, I don't have that much of them.
    They're pretty much comparable, but Sakura can probably make better use of the ampies at the moment simply for being a boss fight setup character. The difference between a fully ampied and none ampied girl at end game is whether or not she can eat a single hit and survive.
    Don't need to worry too much about ampies as you would accumulate enough for everyone over time (probably).
    Last edited by EpicFailLulz; 02-11-2019 at 06:08 PM.

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