Dream Team VS Core (the 680k one):

Yeap, they did the full boss themselves. RIP Maid Cowslip. You was the best here. And Kerria still stand in the battlefield like a mountain (and she looks so bored here).

The 690k Core is a bit too hard for them alone. I needed the full squad to defeat it... but RRose killed it before Dream Team can join the battle. Bad RRose

This new Core is not that hard for the needed TP. I don't know what I should think about it. I'm a bit disappointed of it but at the same time I'm glad it's not as hard as the PunkBees stages.
(And thanks Volarmis for translating the medals. It's less helpful thann expected but still good to know after all the blood, salt and tears needed to get them).

I really like the new Secret Garden for Nidhogg phase 2. Good idea and fun new bosses.

And I also like a lot that new hit and damage per turn feature. It's fun and really usefull for team building. Thanks dev for doing that. I like it.