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  1. #11

    Join Date
    May 2016
    First off > bringing out the pseudo Mod mofu hammer >:3 "Gents, there has been some serious derailing in the event threads lately. Do not stop by any means but please continue in the Chit Chat thread, and keep the Event ones relatively clear from it" (yes I am partially guilty as well)


    As for the Reputation thing: Personally I dont even pay attention to it.... to be completely honest I dont even understand what the point of it ?
    I read that you can exchange it to "Pretty up" your thread with things like special font and such. But when I tried to do that for my Signatures thread it didnt work > if it aint working there is even less point carrying about it.

    And if they are harrasing your for some reason, you can always report it to the Admin. If its serious I mean. If its just stalking and repping your posts I myself wouldn't care about it that much. Did you do anything to piss them off by a chance ? Maybe just talking it out is all thats required.


    As for the lesbo thing: Yeah I stay firm on this, keep that shit out of my waifu simulator.
    As for Mei.... yeah, this we need to clear up. I too thing she is way to obsessed with Sakura (while Sakura doesnt really care that much beyond being BFFs).
    It comes from several places > She has an inferiority complex towards Sakura, She is of far more delicate build then her, so she is also envious of that, she likes her a lot as a BFF but sees her as a rival. And when it comes to Danchou she is also unclear because she wants his love, but at the same time is unsure how thats gonna work out with all the shit she is dealing with.... and that combination of feels brew something of a pseudo love-non love relationship.
    Mei wouldnt be a lesbo with anyone, less it was Sakura who would come at her first. That much is clear, especially during her H scene and some extra dialogues. But she still cares for Danchou a lot, so a by-relationship I guess ?
    So I would say she is hetero with Danchou + Sakurian. I do like her a lot, but her constant talk of Sakura does grind my gears sometimes. Meanwhile Sakura is just a cuddly mofu Ara ara ~ u ~ fu fu fu ~


    As for the Waifuism in JP... yeah its a serious thing I guess. Though honestly I dont care nor blame them. As long as its not hurting anyone in the real world, they can be all mofu mofu with their 2D (and soon to be mainstream 3D with VR getting better and better everyday).
    Last edited by Myrdin; 03-13-2019 at 06:50 AM.

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