Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
Myrdin> I'm jealous of all your Crit 6*. Nice teams. Your evade team is nice too but you don't lack a bit of damages with that?

I have a question for you guys, which Helper team did you prefer for me?
My violent but fragile Crit team?

Or my slow to start but ultra reliable Evade team?
As mentioned in the comment, the 4th team is mostly for fun, not serious. Despite that they are not powerless. Granted its not an evade team build around buffing the living sh*t out of Kerria, but it works for whats its set out to do > stall the enemy, deplete their buffs and make me laugh as the strongest bosses continually miss.

They were after all meant to be just a placeholder, rather then a serious team. I might replace them as time goes on should I require more power.
Or maybe I might go the Def+Guts+Debuff route. Or just go with a last Crit based team just like the other 3.

*Can you put up pictures of those two teams you have mentioned ?