As someone who uses Mace loli chan and Anewaifu, who does have a Defensive buff I can attest that, while not often, there are some battles where the improved Defense does come into play and makes a difference between being one shotted or not.
Honestly this girl would great with them in a single team, as it would stack that Deffensive buff higher, while still rocking pretty solid crit build just from those 3.
Use Tarragon+Mace Loli+Anemone+2 other counter girls (Saffron and clones?) and you will have a nice Counter Crit team <3

For girls, Tarragon is good, the others are not bad but not that much. I already burned all my chance of getting a 6* on gacha with Yarrow. I'llpass this time too. Good thing for my FG.