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  1. #10

    Quote Originally Posted by Myrdin View Post
    Anewaifus.... Anewaifus everywhere !
    We already have a whole Anewaifu pantheon out there

    Reminds me of a meme I saw on FB ....lets see if I can dig it out.


    Btw, how do I open the mission panel ? It popped up for me on few occasions, but after that no more. I tried clicking the different banners but I couldnt get it to appear again, is there a button I am missing somewhere on the screen ?

    Everyone knows my preference for dark skin girls. But I can also like other types. Take Azur Lane. I certainly understand the appeal of characters like Belfast, Taihou, Amagi, etc. However, when I look at Anemone I don't see it. Her character is useful in the right builds. If it pisses you off, I'm sorry but I just think Anemone is seriously overrated as a character. Don't get me wrong. She is cute, but her overall character design is just so generic to me. She could literally slide into any generic average slice-of-life anime perfectly and not stand out still in the end.

    I have her original form in my rainbow pool and I can name quite a few of those other rainbows that are more distinct in both character design and personality: Red Spider Lily, Japanese Anemone, Red Ginger, Hollyhock, Yarrow, Ivy, and even the recent Balsam. When I look at Anemone, all I see is a mostly expressionless purple haired, purple eye girl with boring personality. But I've heard rumor that some serious whale throws tons of cash into this game and wields influence with both developer and players. Hench why she's always winning the popularity polls.

    But then again, maybe she just has an appeal I don't understand. Just like I literally don't understand men who get all crazy waifu struck with yandere girls. They are all like, "Gawd I want to fuck her so bad!" or "I would marry her instantly if she were real!" Nevermind that the yandere would more like stab you to drink your blood or skin you alive to wear it just so she could be "closer" with her love. Like the popular saying goes: Never stick your dick in crazy. Even that instance in the news where a real life yandere psycho stabbed her boyfriend in Japan and calmly called police. She garnered countless men saying how hot she was and how they'd love to be with her. No. Just, no. So maybe that's just it with Anemone. Some mass appeal in her overwhelming generic character I will never understand.

    Sorry for the rant, but that's where I stand with Anemone: massively overrated, boring, and genric as a character.

    P.S. Props to the Oncidium fanclub, another character much better than Anemone.
    Last edited by ShadwNinjaX; 10-01-2019 at 05:47 PM.
    DMM FKG ID: 536701334 IGN: ShadwNinjaX Allies: 53/63

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