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  1. #1
    Unregistered Guest
    The Statue of Liberty gold melody is performance not crit. Of course that's still worth using.

    There's crit chance from the 3* woman one.

  2. #2

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Well it should up performance then and will be better than the heaven and hell silver.
    Did the affections on all before maintenance.
    Blew it all on gacha, scored rainbow TOM TOM, a single target red i needed badly, saved me from having to raise one.
    Shes a performance girl too so with the new melody, the archer gold i am raising(Nicoletta Pangini), and Faust, along with the red rainbow equips, has the making of a solid red team.
    Red no longer weakest. Can move on to improving blue now. where I have two rainbows, but no lead and no finisher.
    hopefully new event incoming

  3. #3
    I was poking through the store. Does anyone know what this is?

    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-fkg2.jpg

  4. #4
    A "free" to fully limit break flower memory at the cost of 42.5k sun medal. Since it's free, there's not much to expect out of it.

    The normal version straight out of the shop gives 1 Slash party member 10% atk buff. Since there are 5 copies, you can merge 4 into one that gives 1 Slash party member 20% atk buff.

    Basically you're better off using other flower memories.
    Last edited by EpicFailLulz; 12-20-2019 at 08:39 AM.

  5. #5

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Wow the xmass event in GS is the biggest RnG BS I`ve seen in a while.

    Essentially > You need to grind maps for event items. Ok thats nothing new.
    Then you need to use those items to perform an orchestra.
    The audience has a chance they drop the event currency, which you THEN exchange for the items you want.

    This event lasts for 1 week.

    Now you might think, ok thats still decent enough but....

    The items you require for the orchestra dont drop as often as you`d think they do, and the maps themselves are pretty stamina intense, considering most players are below L30 so you have som 180-200 stamina to play around.

    Now when you use these already limited items for your orchestra, the audience drops is another problem in an of itself. First off there is only a CHANCE that they drop the event currency.... they tend to drop a lot of the usual random nonsense as well.
    Not only that but IF they drop the event currency they drop like 1.... yes 1.
    The event girl costs 300. And to max her out you need 10 copies of her. Did I mention this event lasts for 1 week ?

    You can occasionally get a special guest who has a chance (again not guaranteed) to drop 20-30 of the currency. This guest is hard to please, they dont drop stuff often, they dont appear often, and there is a chance they drop other crap besides the event currency.

    Again, to fully max the girl you need 3K.
    Either I am missing some sort of super buff, or this pseudo Cash shop styled event where you need to get one currency which you then exchange for another one, which already gives drastically diminishing returns, you spend on expensive items you want from the event. This is how EA Games run their micro transaction bullshit.
    Who in their bloody sane mind thought THIS is a way to do events.

    Wow... GS you are loosing me fairly quickly with these horribly setup events, and I thought the RnG on the last one was bad... oh boy, at least there was no double currency system in place for that one. Good God. The game does a lot of things right, but Christ the ones that it does badly are all major ones...

  6. #6

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    Event girl is extremely overpriced. I am not going after multiples.
    I am going for the dressblooms, rainbow and gold tickets, and gold level purple dresses (best performance boost for level)
    I was looking into how to get more girls with high performance like Faust quickly and here is what I found researching JPN wiki:

    Get these 3 gold units built as quickly as possible to highest gold level 10. They have best perf equipment in game at gold level which is far easier to work with.
    Do not make a rainbow until you have many, many, xtra dressblooms at some future date as it takes 30 of them to get rainbow to lvl 10
    I learned this the hard way as the skill level resets at rainbow level 1 (still good, but not as good as gold lvl 10) their inherent equip is best free shit in the game besides Faust thus far.
    use these with Statue of Liberty and heaven and Hell melodies for some serious free firepower
    I got one done working on the others. Heres a link to wiki if you desire it https://xn--jckf7al1gscxisc0dh.xn--w...A3%85%E5%82%99

    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-franca-haydn-promote-2-.png
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-josette-rameau-gold-promote-.png THESE 3 GOLDS HAVE HIGHEST GOLD PERF BOOST EQUIP IN THE GAME
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-rakesis-kaiser-promote-.png

    As i get these done, i can focus on building one rainbow at a time to make powerful teams. i got this one in gacha, I want to build her to cover my glass cannon ass
    She starts with self music gauge increase and has taunt ability to take some heat off the others May be better ones out there but I dont have them
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-green-passives.png

    Same principle with this silver too (but not as good as above three) but still worthwhile and very common easy to start with
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-silver-promote-.png

    Biggest gripe for me besides the language is equip storage. I had to spend a shitton on upgrading it so I didn't have to delete stuff every 5 minutes
    i still get enough currency to pull gacha at least once sometimes more a day and have pulled a dozen or so rainbows and many dups
    Last edited by phob; 12-22-2019 at 12:41 AM.

  7. #7

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Regarding their personal equipment you are not wrong bot neither fully correct.

    Some of the girls have very shit equipment, while others like Faust or my Tengu chan haver very very good one.
    The first event girl, the Purple chick with frilly clothes ? Her equip boost defense..... while her whole setup is a Nuker.

    I swapped her stuff around and her damage changed drastically. Honestly I am not fan of the fact that you can have multiple copies of your personal equipment. Wish you could upgrade it, because for girls like Faust, whats the point of giving her anything beside the Scythe.
    Even the best gold tier dress doesnt give her as much Performance as her native weapon.

    Meanwhile other girls can absolutely skip on their native equip and go for whatever you choose to build them with. Played around with this a lot yesterday.
    The even itself is OK, but the problem is the randomness and miniscule drop rates. If the basic people in the audience dropped 10 currency instead of 1.... and the special characters each dropped 50 (since they are rare and you dont get them often) I could see it being much more reasonable.
    Also the Quest missions for the event should have been rewarding you with additional event currency instead of stupid random shit.
    And yes, with that in mind, the girl is super overpriced.
    I am aiming for the Rainbow ticket, Skillbloom and 1 copy of her for collection. Thats it. Will be lucky If I can get at least that much.

    I sincerely hope DMM players in JP are stirring the ever living tsunami of shit and throwing flac at the devs. This is the second event in a row with totally unreasonable demands for you to get even the basic rewards out of it. Clearly there is something very very wrong going on with how they setup the loot tables and amounts dropped.

    Also I found that if you have rainbow blooms the best idea is to spend 2 on each NATIVE Rainbow. This will get you one copy of her weapon and one extra item slot for whatever you wish to give her (example: the 900+ speed items, performance items, or the one of these that drop from the Tower maps, one is speed the other performance, they both are very good if maxed out.). This will get you much further than focusing on a single rainbow trying to max her out.

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