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  1. #1

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Regarding their personal equipment you are not wrong bot neither fully correct.

    Some of the girls have very shit equipment, while others like Faust or my Tengu chan haver very very good one.
    The first event girl, the Purple chick with frilly clothes ? Her equip boost defense..... while her whole setup is a Nuker.

    I swapped her stuff around and her damage changed drastically. Honestly I am not fan of the fact that you can have multiple copies of your personal equipment. Wish you could upgrade it, because for girls like Faust, whats the point of giving her anything beside the Scythe.
    Even the best gold tier dress doesnt give her as much Performance as her native weapon.

    Meanwhile other girls can absolutely skip on their native equip and go for whatever you choose to build them with. Played around with this a lot yesterday.
    The even itself is OK, but the problem is the randomness and miniscule drop rates. If the basic people in the audience dropped 10 currency instead of 1.... and the special characters each dropped 50 (since they are rare and you dont get them often) I could see it being much more reasonable.
    Also the Quest missions for the event should have been rewarding you with additional event currency instead of stupid random shit.
    And yes, with that in mind, the girl is super overpriced.
    I am aiming for the Rainbow ticket, Skillbloom and 1 copy of her for collection. Thats it. Will be lucky If I can get at least that much.

    I sincerely hope DMM players in JP are stirring the ever living tsunami of shit and throwing flac at the devs. This is the second event in a row with totally unreasonable demands for you to get even the basic rewards out of it. Clearly there is something very very wrong going on with how they setup the loot tables and amounts dropped.

    Also I found that if you have rainbow blooms the best idea is to spend 2 on each NATIVE Rainbow. This will get you one copy of her weapon and one extra item slot for whatever you wish to give her (example: the 900+ speed items, performance items, or the one of these that drop from the Tower maps, one is speed the other performance, they both are very good if maxed out.). This will get you much further than focusing on a single rainbow trying to max her out.

  2. Hello all. I've just been introduced to these forums from the Nutaku Discord. I'm currently studying Japanese as part of a college course, so I am happy to offer any help with translation as it's good *cough* homework *cough* for me. Please feel free to ask if you want any of those crazy moon runes looked at.

  3. #3

    Join Date
    May 2016
    Hello DragonSword, good to have you

    Good to know we have another Moon Rune reader here in case Volarmis sensei is busy or on vacation ^^
    Now grab yourself a beer, a mofu and get comfortable by the fire!
    *hands you a cold freshly drawn beverage and an undefinable yet strangely adorable fluffy creature with big puppy eyes


    Phob: Aaaand we got another event.... lol.... Its impossible to do of these grind events at the same time. I think I might skip on the Xmass one after I get the Rainbow Ticket. Might burn some Gems to refill the stamina bar as well.
    Sigh, who is designing this ? You dont do grindy events like these at the same time. Back to back ? Sure, if you wanna tire your players out go for it, but at the same time ? The stuff the GS team is doing is baffling at best, outright stupid at worst.
    Last edited by Myrdin; 12-22-2019 at 08:43 AM.

  4. #4

    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    As we've already talked through PMs, it's nice to have you here, DragonSword001, enjoy your stay.

    Looking at this thread once again, I got another idea.
    Since I decided not to get into GS, as I'm already too invested in FKG both emotionally and time-wise, maybe you could take some GS translation commissions from our regulars here?
    Though I guess that depends on if you're even interested in that game to begin with.
    Name: Volarmis
    DMM ID: 317568967

  5. #5

    Join Date
    Dec 2017
    GS the advantage that personal equip has is that you get a 20% buff using it on the native girl and only native girl can use multiple copies.
    Only helps if that equip has a stat that you want and can be exploited. Yeah 9 out of 10 are worthless.

    This new event girl I could really use a red maxed single target, I have a rainbow, but some of these bosses need two single targets focusing on them.
    Red really useful right now cuz tower equips. i might go after her after I finish getting what i want from main event.

    Translation is always appreciated sometimes google and yandex is laughable

    There is a group of English GS fans in the FKG discord since it doesnt have its own. There is a spreadsheet that is being compiled that is useful
    Last edited by phob; 12-22-2019 at 01:22 PM.

  6. #6
    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-capturewhat.jpg

    First of all hi guys and an early Merry Christmas and hope everyone is well! I've been away from game from some time; in reference to the above pic, what are the little icons below the main girls? Are they like sub units you can attach to further strengthen the team? Quite confused lol.

    DMM ID: 838832909

  7. #7

    Join Date
    Sep 2016
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    It's called Flower Memory and it replace the old promotion abilities (the things that add speed, turn 1 ATK, HP limit break, etc). Now it works a bit like equipement but you attach it to a place in the team instead of equiping it to a girl. You can get them through gacha with Memory Seeds (looks like rainbows seeds) , you can level up them with specilal manyu, and you can fuse dupe to increase level limit and power up the memory effect. And it give bonus HP that increase with level.
    The old promotion abilities still exist as bronze Memory and new ones are silver, gold or rainbow. Most of them are meh, some of them are very good.

    Glad to see you arround here again. I hope you will stay a bit and enjoy

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

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