Yeah I feel you twillight

I quit Girls Symphony after hyping myself for two years or how long it took. I dont recommend that game to anyone.... stay away from it, ignore my previous comment about it. It literally broke my joy for playing any of these waifu browser games. Heck thats why my activity here has decreased so much to what it used to be.
Not far from dropping FKG as well, despite the money I threw at the game and the progress I have. I care about it less and less. Still keep playing for now but its more of a force of habit than anything else. To bad I never managed to get Azur Line going, and by this points its to late for me to jump in on that.

I`d love to see a Tower defense waifu game, I remember there was something like that on Nutaku back in the day. But something newer, with better looks maybe even the 2D moving sprites. Ideally a pre-registration so I could get in on that from the get go and not miss out on bunch of events. Though its not a must.If you guys know about such a game on DMM please let me know, I`d appreciate it.