I'm still playing GS but I'm not nearly as high on it as I was when I started playing a little over a month ago. Before long I might slot it aside Kanpani Girls as a game I don't actually play but log in to so I can fulfill part of the daily DMM quest that requires you play three different games.

The thing with GS is that if it's not the events where getting the featured character requires a lot of luck and/or playing stages over and over then it's sudden difficulty spikes* going from one stage to the next. If it's not either of those then it's time-based medal requirements that more or less need your leading squad to be at a power level far above the suggested level.

* One of the last sections of the game unlocked has you go through a tower that is a series of stages + a boss stage, with the HP of your characters carrying over between stages. The second tower is considered level 10/** difficulty and I'm now at the point where I can clear it without leaning too much on the healing symphony that I have. The third tower is considered level 15/*** difficulty and my six best orchestra members get wiped out before finishing half of the first stage, at which point I have zero chance of clearing the tower itself since the rest of my characters aren't nearly as strong.

Quite a few events have similar spikes where going from one stage to the next in GS is roughly the same as going from a stage with a recommended power level of 200k to one with a level of 500k in FKG.