It's definately sad to hear.
I've tried quite a few of the DMM games once I got a notice something new came out, but honestly nothing really caught my attention for long.
Somehow, the world setting of FKG won me over.
As for the ones that interested me for a bit, for example X-Overd and Otogi Frontier, I'm not really sure how they're faring or if they are still around for that matter.

As for me, I'll continue playing FKG as those changes don't really mean much for me.
There already were units outside my range (the promo code girls), so nothing new here.
The FMs don't bother me much, at least we can slap the lure on a non-6* unit now.
Were those dev decisions bad? Quite probably, yes. They have been known to rectify their decisions though, so I won't be saying those are final.

And most of all, I won't let them diminish my enjoyment of playing this game.