That's a bit sad for character quests but as long as the rewards are still there, I guess it's ok.
They change a lot of things right now but I think they really should to focus on raid bosses instead. It could be a cool feature but it's currently totally useless outside of Raid bosses events and Nidhogg phase1. Raid bosses are supposed to be shared between players but any average player can solo most of them. And their rewards are what they make them useless, especially with the new reissue system.
Low tier seeds are just beginners trap (who would want them when you can just deal 1 damage to someone lese boss and get the full mid tier seeds?).
Mid tier seeds were only good for beginners to get some equipments before replacing them by event ones but now you spend 5 stamina to get 2 of all the old events jeweleries.
High tier seeds are too rare and only good for the EX equipements.
I think they should do something like event raid bosses. Big fat bosses with Low, Mid and High tier (higher, stronger and harder to deafeat alone) with fix rewards (like seeds, gold, manyu) and bonus random rewards with drop increased based on the damages dealt. And the bonus rewards change depending on the tier, a bit like the rewards of world exploration.
For the seeds, they could just keep the high tier ones and you get more seeds depending on the boss tier.

Raid boss rework is the feature I'm wating the most just after old 2* to 5* promotions reworks to fit the current standards.
I understand why they change everything now. There is too much to do in the game and it's good to remove the old and not interesting missions to make the game easier for beginners and more user friendly. But there is still very old concept who needs a total rethink and rework.