Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
Gacha used to be 0.5% rainbow instead of 2%. And no free stuff each 11 rolls. Current gacha is way better (and way more agressive with that much 6* to get each event instead of one and only one).
I never whaled a penny and I'm close to that point. Girls came with time, patience and good management (including some anticipation) . Also, I got 3 Zinnia at once on her gacha (2 on the 10th step of 11 rolls + 1 as 10th step reward) sowWith luck, it's totally possible to get more than one Bloss (I'll get another one if I'll spend 300 more FS but with Corbett in the background I'm not sure I want to waste my precious FS. Also, I don't like having and using the same girl twice...).
I'm saving too, I feel like I need to pick carefully who I want to summon, this is my current wishlist, I think if I get a few streaks of unlucky (all out 110 FS for 1 copy) I won't be able to get all of them:
- Corbett
- Zinnia
- Adlay
- Twinleaf (she's strong imo, from my view she's as strong as Sparaxis, but I think long time players do rate her higher than Sparaxis because I saw a lot of Twinleaf in Youtube and NicoNico videos but I didn't see a single Sparaxis and I like her character, brave and cute)
- Pavonia (she looks like a vampire)