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  1. #1

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    I didn't expect Knotweed being in the shop but that's great. It makes another easy-to-get rainbow for newcomers.

    It will be better to get someone else instead of Adlay. Regular adlay can't use her full potential in a low HP team (she gives Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% to everyone. That's too good to not be used). But right now, we don't have as good retain HP as Adlay or Bloss in a certain mesure.
    A girl who work perfectly in that kind of team would be Wolf Berry (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers) (but her page is broken but you can find japanese stuff here: https://ro.luluroom.info/data/0797.html)

    I don't know if lower HP higher shield would really work. But it would with evasion, negate damages and guts.
    If you can get Adlay Valentine, I think there is something to do. Wolf Berry is not hard to get since she is in the regular gacha (could get her from the reroll gacha) and she is a popularity contest winner (available in the popularity contest winner 30Fg gacha).
    Dragon Tree is still a good option. Even better now with Adlay Valentine.

    Adlay with HP drain skill is a problem though. She would be better without it.
    Last edited by maotd; 02-13-2023 at 02:06 PM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  2. #2
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    I didn't expect Knotweed being in the shop but that's great. It makes another easy-to-get rainbow for newcomers.

    It will be better to get someone else instead of Adlay. Regular adlay can't use her full potential in a low HP team (she gives Increase Damage by (Current HP / Max HP) * 100% to everyone. That's too good to not be used). But right now, we don't have as good retain HP as Adlay or Bloss in a certain mesure.
    A girl who work perfectly in that kind of team would be Wolf Berry (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers) (but her page is broken but you can find japanese stuff here: https://ro.luluroom.info/data/0797.html)

    I don't know if lower HP higher shield would really work. But it would with evasion, negate damages and guts.
    If you can get Adlay Valentine, I think there is something to do. Wolf Berry is not hard to get since she is in the regular gacha (could get her from the reroll gacha) and she is a popularity contest winner (available in the popularity contest winner 30Fg gacha).
    Dragon Tree is still a good option. Even better now with Adlay Valentine.

    Adlay with HP drain skill is a problem though. She would be better without it.
    Yeah, I think Knotweed Valentine definitely needs Adlay Valentine to really do something, still she's a very good support regardless with her 70% Def Down for a turn 1 kill and by a artifical tanker for low hit count enemies. Her `[For self] Increase Damage taken by 50%` is really dangerous tho, like it literally ruins everything. While I think Knotweed Valentine is interesting, her weakness is pretty big and needs someone to patch it.

    Wolf Berry looks really interesting, I guess getting her will be my long/short terms (luck-based) project.

    Adlay Valentine is like my game enabler for the future, I'll consider getting her but for now I need to some Japanese bloggers/lab rats to test her for me. I kinda need to know if 100-75% Retain HP will be enough, compare to the normal Adlay, 100% vs 500% is kinda small and I've seen teams with normal Adlay dying to heavy hitting enemies, and even Bloss team can die too, for example at the end of this video: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=niEzI0yHH5U

    Yeah, any kind of healing/HP drain will ruin low HP setup probably, that's why shield is the way to go, that was a thing in the gacha game I used to play.
    Last edited by NBPEL; 02-13-2023 at 08:50 PM.

  3. #3

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    I didn't notice Knotweed +50% damage taken. I would say it's not a big deal once you're at 1% HP but it will apply on your retain HP and that's annoying. I guess you want to focus on evasion anyway.

    Keep in mind that Adlay Valentine is an exclusive gacha 6* and won't be available in the regular gacha pool. She may be (really) hard to get in the future. If you like her, take her. That's the most important.
    With time, good girls can turn bad (ex. 90% of rainbows and most of promoted girls) and bad girl can turn good (ex. Golden Lace).
    It's hard to decide but if you always wait and see, girls will be useless or outdated by the time you get them. I can make a huge list of girls like that. I wanted them, waited a long time before I could get them, never used them and regret no getting them when they were good.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
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  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    I didn't notice Knotweed +50% damage taken. I would say it's not a big deal once you're at 1% HP but it will apply on your retain HP and that's annoying. I guess you want to focus on evasion anyway.

    Keep in mind that Adlay Valentine is an exclusive gacha 6* and won't be available in the regular gacha pool. She may be (really) hard to get in the future. If you like her, take her. That's the most important.
    With time, good girls can turn bad (ex. 90% of rainbows and most of promoted girls) and bad girl can turn good (ex. Golden Lace).
    It's hard to decide but if you always wait and see, girls will be useless or outdated by the time you get them. I can make a huge list of girls like that. I wanted them, waited a long time before I could get them, never used them and regret no getting them when they were good.
    I see, I didn't know Adlay Valentine being limited, I do think that Adlay Valentine is pretty good and future proof or not all depends on future low HP units being good or not, at the momment there's not so many of them but who knows. I do have some concerns about her kit tho:

    - HP Drain skill (like Kerria), eventho it's easy to get her to 1HP, and at low HP she gets double skill activation rate, but she can get back to 1HP with her "[For self] If you have 20% HP or more, on the next turn, drop to 1% Max HP", so I think it's not a big deal ?
    - Despite being a support unit, her kit is too selfish
    - I think she'll be able to maintain 100% Retain HP, but her passive looks very weak when compares to normal Adlay, just the problem of her past self being too good

    But she can be very good if:
    - Future units allow her to limit break 100% Retain HP to 500% like normal Adlay
    - Future units are low HP and they're at the same level as Ancient girls

    And yes Golden Lace is so good, I also want to get Ivy New Year too, debuff girls are very good overall.

    This person is also a good FKG blogger, his 5* flower girl review is perfect and I learned a lot from his article to future plan my 5* units: http://tunachaofan.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-782.html

    He doesn't have a Youtube channel tho I think.

    P/s: Finally I'll be able to get Corbett!! https://web.flower-knight-girls.co.j...latform_type=1
    Got her, but sadly I'm broke now, it was so costly... Literally half of my saved FS... It's kinda salvageable becauce I got the big breast loli Isogiku and this girl I don't know her:

    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-qoklraz.png

    And this girl is kinda, I know she's just a 5* but she looks like someone from Clannad anime, I like her design, maybe I'll try to use her:

    [Chat Chit] DMM FKG-ogrua9a.png
    Last edited by NBPEL; 02-15-2023 at 08:57 AM.

  5. #5

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    I see, I didn't know Adlay Valentine being limited
    I think every girls featured in week2 gacha are limited gacha 6*. Or you can see the recent changes on the wiki's homepage right side: https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki...ght_Girl_Wikia. Or even check the regular gacha pool to see if a girl is in it or not.

    I found Adlay Valentine too selfish too. 100% retain HP should be for 5 and not for self. And Absorb HP on her makes no sense for sure.
    Anyway, I think no Ancient Flower alternative version will be close to their regular version. Maybe Bamboo could because regular Bamboo is meh.

    No unit will change Valentine Adlay 100% retain HP. If an ability could increase the remain HP given by another unit, it will affect every units. Including regular Adlay. And Bloss but devs would be crazy to give a such broken ability to a Blossom Hill Girl.
    Low HP unit close to Ancient Flower level is more plausible.

    I think there is an interesting game style behind this low HP thing but it seems devs are a bit afraid to push it farer.

    I didn't know Corbett was out right now. Good to know. And congrats for the 3 rainbows. Corbett and Bluet are awesome. Isogiku is nice I guess. But it would be better to get her Easter form.

    And the 5* is Soapwort New Year. Pretty easy to get and good once promoted to 6* (I used her a lot in the past). There is also a natural 6* version, not bad at all.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

  6. #6
    Quote Originally Posted by maotd View Post
    I think every girls featured in week2 gacha are limited gacha 6*. Or you can see the recent changes on the wiki's homepage right side: https://flowerknight.fandom.com/wiki...ght_Girl_Wikia. Or even check the regular gacha pool to see if a girl is in it or not.

    I found Adlay Valentine too selfish too. 100% retain HP should be for 5 and not for self. And Absorb HP on her makes no sense for sure.
    Anyway, I think no Ancient Flower alternative version will be close to their regular version. Maybe Bamboo could because regular Bamboo is meh.

    No unit will change Valentine Adlay 100% retain HP. If an ability could increase the remain HP given by another unit, it will affect every units. Including regular Adlay. And Bloss but devs would be crazy to give a such broken ability to a Blossom Hill Girl.
    Low HP unit close to Ancient Flower level is more plausible.

    I think there is an interesting game style behind this low HP thing but it seems devs are a bit afraid to push it farer.

    I didn't know Corbett was out right now. Good to know. And congrats for the 3 rainbows. Corbett and Bluet are awesome. Isogiku is nice I guess. But it would be better to get her Easter form.

    And the 5* is Soapwort New Year. Pretty easy to get and good once promoted to 6* (I used her a lot in the past). There is also a natural 6* version, not bad at all.
    Thanks! I'm so glad the other girl Bluet is good too (I think she's a mini-Adlay). Yeah, I somehow recognized her 6* version from videos I've watched, her 6*'s chibi looks pretty funny imo, I kinda want to get her in the future for collection purpose.

    About low HP units, I wish so, hope more girls will come but for now I need to patiently wait. I think devs definitely tried to not make this style too OP, but judging from how popular GBF is, I do think they definitely know how strong this low HP style is and they want to save it for later gacha I think.
    Last edited by NBPEL; 02-15-2023 at 10:00 AM.

  7. #7

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    Bluet is just a good intercept girl but have one of the best (if not the best) crit damage for 5 with +70%. She is not insane but is the best choice when you want as much crit damage as possible.
    Good addition to your future intercept team.

    I think low HP needs heavy buffs to be OP. There is already way too OP girls at full HP. Low HP girls needs to be over that to justify their 1% HP.
    Also, these low HP girls drop to 1% HP but lower HP abilities reach full potiential at 1 HP, not 1%. This means they will be at full potential only after a guts. There is still a long way to make it actually OP. But it could be a thing one day. They managed to make solar team goods. Why not low HP?

    And yep, this site: http://tunachaofan.blog.fc2.com/blog-entry-782.html is good. Puting Tritoma and Aeonium top tier in their respective categories is a sign of good taste quand quality.
    The analysis of Tritoma is pretty accurate. I should make a video of her annihilating the harest daily event mission.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
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