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  1. #23

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    Bluet Rising Star is good too. Must have with Cattleya and Vervain/Chamomille. Maybe slighlty better than regular Bluet.
    But her + Thunberg Spirea (Christmas) is a nice combo for Corbett.

    You won't get Tritoma even with all the FS of the world. She is an event girl.
    You will have to wait a long time before she was available as rereprint girl. Last rereprint event is event 155. Tritoma is from event 193. Maybe there is a chance they do something for event 272 with special event girls ticket like we had for event 100 but you sould not count on it.

    Wolfberry (Flower Knight of the Seven Flowers) and Flowering Peach (Halloween) get their bloomed form today and should have their feztured gacha next week. Time to save more FS!

    Edit: got Corbett too. I had to go up to the free one for 500 FS... I'm glad I saved over 1k FS.
    Bloss+Corbett is fun. Worth the FS. No regrets.
    Last edited by maotd; 02-15-2023 at 12:51 PM.

    ID: 481766521 (DMM)
    Name: maotd
    Good old memories
    10+1 roll in a nutshell

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